Blatant, ignorant, grossly incorrect position openly stating that putin’s war of 2022 (2014) is supposedly a war of the Russians and that they want it – utterly false, those who say so, very likely work for the putinist system or are simply stupid – such tricks are called “shifting responsibility to everyone”, and just helps the wrong.
No, no, and again, no. Those who are fighting there are mainly coerced or deceived unfortunate souls. As a person who has lived in Russia for many years, born and raised there, and interacted with a large number of people from various social groups, I can say for sure: most of russian people are not cannibals or imperialists; they are ordinary individuals concerned about ordinary things. They are much like people in Europe or America… but perhaps more socially divided, colder, somewhat tormented, and therefore not heavily involved in the political life… Remember how the past century has passed in Russia, how many victims of torture and misfortune these people have endured.
The people there have many problems, and society itself is quite toxic. That’s why I immigrated from there long before the war. However, the country itself is not primarily responsible for the catastrophe; the actual crime stems from asshole usurper and terrorist putin and those so-called media and political “leaders” whose spoiled minds initiated it all. Normal folks simply go with the flow, silently obeying any sort of authority they’ve been given, except for the small number of smart, bright, educated individuals found everywhere. It’s sad but true.
A certain layer of fools has emerged, believing in television propaganda fueled by their own stupidity, foolishly choosing to follow blindly. They are akin to those who worshiped donald trump in the USA or Germans who listened to hitler in past Germany – such individuals exist in every country. The system breeds them; they are simply fools, naive and ignorant.
It is important to remember that this war is purely a farce and evil concocted by an indulged, talentless, worthless clerk named putin and his surroundings, and the punishment should primarily fall upon him and all his associates – family, close confidants, and henchmen, including officials and propagandists, all those who profit directly and indirectly from this senseless war, those who could have actually influenced and prevented but chose to participate…
The Russian people in this context are primarily victims of that kgb born idiot and his gang, victims of post/neo-stalinism and all its consequences. World fixed hitler and germans but forgot same scale evil-stalinism and post-tsar russians. The enemy of Russia is within Russia… these bloated, insolent oligarchs and shameless officials, cynical and submissive people.
There are normal Russians, and there are many of them. The task of the progressive world today is to realize this and work towards strengthening the youth and eradicating the festering core – the eradication of putinist system and the coercive model of values of the Russian generations past.
The problem with Russia is that any fool who came in 1999, not just Putin, would have entrenched himself and done the same nonsense, because Russians have been oppressed by their own state for centuries, with false and backward pseudo-frames of empty values and false ideologies, pathologically afraid of authority, passive and uncreative politically, socially. The system of values & open society structures “in a historical context” hasn’t had time to form in that country, so no special credit should be given to Putin, supposedly he’s the one who uniquely held on to power; Rather, he’s a bloodthirsty fool and an exceptional failure who managed to squander such an opportunity, because Russia after the collapse of the USSR was an excellent place full of potential – including freedom, free oil money, the boom of electronics and the Internet, educated young powerful people, but it squandered everything itself, because it’s apolitical, internally fragmented, corrupt, wrong cleaning of the roots of the USSR model: FSB/KBG greed, and void… KGB is a cesspool of poison and mediocrities – Russians had to disbanded and close it right after the collapse of the Soviet Union (actually it was just 30 years of slowly decaying post-stalinist regime) – all kgb/fsb/police/communist employees should be lustrated after, banned from working in state at all – with their attitude and intelligence, let them go to work as security guards in supermarkets. You have to start with politics and philosophy, and then build the economy. Or your economy will fuel wrongly motivated war or something like that.
Neighbors and the world should actively help each other and their woes because we all live on the same planet… Europeans turn up their noses at Russians when they’re in trouble today, and it’s unfair because the same Europeans, Germans, Dutch, French, were actively friendly with Putin despite knowing he’s a murderer and a scoundrel, buying oil from him and making faces. But suddenly today they turn up their noses as if they are pristine and the epitome of civilization – when with Russians, they are close relatives and neighbors. Disgusting.
Putin’s mafia system is all about money – capitalism disaster…take away his money and all his so called supporters in Russia, USA or France will disappear in seconds…its empty free oil money stolen from Russians (with help of other countries – all remember that world’s passive reaction to: Georgia 2008 war, too hard police on 2012 Moscow protests, 2014 Ukraine war) – but nobody helps Russians themselves today, even worse – civilized world condemns them… but for what?
And now in this situation this new Hitler-like idiot will continuously spend all his money to make things even worse, to unbalance sleepy-comfortable-weak western democracies, to fund elections, invasions, billions for propaganda, billions to unrest Europe, all to keep this crazy fanatic illusion to save himself in Kremlin, to prolong his life anyway and to lose power.
Of course russians must suffer – they must pay the price for their silent slavery, for the mistakes of isolation, for not wanting and not working on their freedom and their open society, for their rudeness, ignorance, subornation of false ideals like criminal romance or respect for disrespect, cowardly obedience to any even the smallest authority… on such a substratum bastards and vomit like stalin or putin are born and thrive… It is a giant regret that Ukrainians have to suffer for such a neighbor.
I absolutely despise the russian thing in general as of today – for all its rottenness, weakness and emptiness… All this antiutopia – it is born and based not on the activity or talents of putinists, but solely on the passivity and slavery of the people there and individuals who like they say “we just ordinary people what we can do” or “I must following orders”… even don’t trying to understand what’s happening with their society, just shifting responsibility and looking for money. This is the subtract of fascism’s evils – silently obeying.
But I believe and know that there is still lots of normal and adequate russians who do not keep silent and do not tolerate, we should remember.
Yet if you look at the historical context broadly – including the collapse of Yugoslavia and the USSR, it seems quite likely and natural that Russia will collapse into several small states – because usually such big and empty structures like today (if not decentralized properly) are highly fragile and corrupt, – and for the people living there and their neighbors, it will be good.
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