Today there is an overabundance of not important manipulative noisy information. In the past people were healthier about that – their tech was without unnecessary stupid steroids like today (closed source spying smartphones with preinstalled/undeletable junk) – mental and depressive diseases everywhere were much less common presented as we have got it today.

Our brain is not a piece of rubber, and moreover, its not a trash bin to put every fucking politician or celebrity’s “intentions or ideas” there. There is too much useless and unhealthy information consumption habits today – from social networks, mass media, newspapers.

Remember, these greedy journalists, these so called damn influences, they are just to manipulate and to sell your attention, nobody minds the quality or health there, in the pursuit of profit, savor every random pop around, or corruption; poor head full of shit of the people who consumes that…

Personally, I’m on a diet and only open a couple of reliable websites once in a day or so. Email newsletters a day in a week is a good solution too. Also, proven quality people seems to be much better sources than a company, or, no-no-no, big corporations.


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