• Reality of subjective

    The sky is blue… but only WE see it like this; actually it’s different. And not only the sky.

    Many abstractions like countries or feelings also have an even more subjective connotation.

    The whole world we perceive is extremely subjective.

    The one who can and has enough honesty and strength to see the truth and perspective of distance is really to be alive, not illusions and phantoms; it’s all short-term…

    Long term you can’t ignore reality as it is, the strategy of success is to merge with reality and accept, adapt to it; reality outside of consciousness is very real and we definitely do not see it to the end.

    Comments: Reality of subjective
  • IV (2016)


    Comments: IV (2016)
  • Whatever the struggle

    Human being… not only builds, but also destroys as much.

    Sometimes some people, under certain circumstances, just have fun destroying everything in a brazen way.

    Don’t try to search for universal justice, this world is created to boil and rebuild again and again… whatever the struggle – the worst will lose sooner or later. 

    Comments: Whatever the struggle
  • Direct contemplatation

    I like to turn off everything and just contemplate.

    I like keeping it minimal, without internet, news, consumerism, and no worries: take the maximum of your time and the minimum of what could grab it, fully aware and complete in this time, we’ve got so little of it actually; why ever hurry, anyway you are going to die and will never predict it all.

    That acceptance of “nothing” gives you space of thought, gives you time to understand.

    No, it’s not like Buddhist meditation. You don’t hide yourself behind breathing exercises. You face this reality directly as it is, head-on.

    Comments: Direct contemplatation
  • New sound

    I am not anticipating new music. I mean, exceptionally new music, like modern electronics compared to the 19th century.

    Do you expect electricity to be discovered again? Well, new music is electricity. Such significant discoveries happen rarely…

    There’s no point in rushing here, and what was relevant in the 90s, when electricity delved into digital, can still be relevant today. Who said 30 years is a far past? That stage is still here, and it might last for two hundred years, who knows.

    Neural networks can bring new sounds, but more likely – quantum computers.

    Today’s question is: do we all truly need new things so much? Perhaps today’s rush is just a blur.

    Are you waiting for the new forms? What they could be like?

    Image source

    Comments: New sound
  • my style is… ambient techno

    Comments: my style is… ambient techno
  • Paradox of Freedom, Stability of Expansion

    The paradox of freedom, first discovered by Plato, can be formulated as follows: unlimited freedom leads to its opposite because, without protection and restriction by the law, freedom sooner or later leads to tyranny.

    The first adequate solution was proposed by Kant: “The freedom of each person should be limited, but not beyond those limits that are necessary to ensure the same degree of freedom for all.”

    Freedom is a societal state rather than a personal matter. A subject’s field of action. No individual exists completely outside of a society. It’s not to be confused with free will – something that no one truly can take away from another.
    From that perspective, we see clearly that freedom is will for balance, and as any neutralizer it should be applied in same form for all elements; the law is a technique of freedom, set of rules to avoid bad precedents when an element foolishly destroys their own foundation.

    It’s interesting to note that a similar phenomenon applies to the expansion of a subject.
    Huge resources easily overwhelm an average person. People rarely grow in proportion to their bank account balance; instead, they are often “compressed” and “narrowed” by it.

    In fact, money distribution is generally a social phenomenon, it’s a property of system, rather than a personal matter. I’d not consider capitalism and socialism separately; both techniques should be applied together to give growth (capital and privacy) and stability (helping society); what is like with freedom: you do what you want and you’re welcome to grow, but you can’t harm others because you’re one of them.

    Comments: Paradox of Freedom, Stability of Expansion
  • Computer music of 1980s and 1990s

    An interesting playlist of old video game music, with all tracks composed by David Whittaker.

    Comments: Computer music of 1980s and 1990s
  • Ethics and aesthetics when dealing with first impressions

    A useful method to check if something is suitable or not is to catch the very first impression, the very first imprint from the consciousness when you come into contact with something. Then examine it honestly, before any biases or preconceived notions influence your conclusions.

    What has already crossed our minds may be contaminated or masked either by our own thoughts or by the source of the content.

    This method can help filter out junk and noise because almost immediately, any perception is absorbed through the sponge of consciousness and is colored the subtext.

    However, that was primarily discussed in relation to aesthetics.

    Ethics can be manipulated through aesthetics, so you might need additional filtering.

    I refer to it as a “perspective filter.” When dealing with morals, laws, politics, or any other human-related issues, before forming an opinion, you usually make a basic examination of how it might unfold in the long run. Then, true “good” or “bad” may come to your internal eye.

    Image source: 1995 Blue Iceberg Antarctica Cherry Alexander  

    Comments: Ethics and aesthetics when dealing with first impressions
  • Language is a map

    Language is a map of understanding, experiences transformed into a structured code.

    Knowledge is stable and reality-proven form of that code, while disinformation might not be actually real – it’s a phantom intended to generate quick profits regardless of consciousness.

    Comments: Language is a map
  • Contemplation & consciousness: a memory and language related phenomena

    In the early years of life, even humans do not experience contemplation in the full sense of the word.

    There is merely an awareness of current existence, even before the formation of speech and the general conceptual apparatus. It is during this time that the first memories are formed…

    In other words, consciousness is partly shaped by the external environment, and naturally based on the foundation of mind and memory – the upper layer is language and memory. This is where consciousness further reflects and exists by itself…

    Were you, in the truest sense, in understanding and rational perception of the world before your first memories, that is, around the ages of 3-4 or 5?

    Comments: Contemplation & consciousness: a memory and language related phenomena
  • Depth of darkness opens opportunities

    A human is designed in such a way that even wrong may benefit them. We inherit this from nature as a whole. Dinosaurs didn’t work out, so it did even better – just developed another scenario. 

    Depth of darkness opens opportunities. Some imbalance provides true balance. If anything were extra smooth and perfect, without any movement, there would be no good. Good is just other side of bad.

    Comments: Depth of darkness opens opportunities
  • Movement is the essence, object – contextual

    Some try hard to build something… others try harder to destroy. In any case, everyone moves. Movement is the essence, object – contextual.

    Comments: Movement is the essence, object – contextual
  • The skill of skeptics

    Why is skepticism preferable to dogmatism? Because recognizing flaws allows room for enhancement. The entire aim of existence is to continually progress, so that aligns seamlessly.

    The skill of skeptics is not being simplistic or unwise. You don’t question everything; you focus on key facts. Dismissing thoroughly researched and verified information is just irrational.

    Acknowledge that you can’t know everything. Don’t attempt to be “overly intelligent.” You truly can’t grasp every detail; just let it be.

    Sometimes individuals hold onto incorrect beliefs simply because they fear losing their investment. Release it, always.

    Image Source: logicandsound.tumblr.com
    Comments: The skill of skeptics
  • Neuron is not transistor

    “The main unit of a biological computer is a nerve cell, or neuron, which is internally very different from a (computer chip) transistor.

    Of course, the code through which neurons exchange information resembles the code based on a sequence of impulses used in digital computing machines, but an individual neuron is a much more sophisticated unit for processing information than a transistor.

    Instead of just three connections with other components, a single neuron can have tens of thousands. A neuron operates more slowly than a transistor, but it has achieved much more in terms of miniaturization, which has been the main focus in the electronics industry over the past two decades.

    This is easily evidenced by the fact that the human brain contains approximately 10 billion neurons, whereas a skull could only hold a few hundred transistors.” – R.Dawkins

    Comments: Neuron is not transistor
  • pop! and i🔥

    Comments: pop! and i🔥
  • Afterglow 2025

    Comments: Afterglow 2025
  • About ai… I can’t explain this to a computer

    As about ai… To be honest I barely use it, although of course as a computers fan I know tech news well and have tried almost everything.

    The thing is, I express not the emotions of a computer but my own. I feel… these things can’t be expressed in words. Words are another level. Can you translate music into words? Then why do you want to hear it?

    To do what I must do, I need to try different notes, different pieces, to feel the final result — that yes, it is it, that it solidifies and affirms my feeling, my emotion, my way there. Experience and tryings.

    It’s hard to explain this to a computer; it’s way too abstract and complicated to be just a couple of prompts.

    Image Source

    In this regard, I would prefer a wider variety of sound synthesizers and image effects over direct artificial generators.

    The same goes for texts and thoughts… a computer cannot express my thoughts, my view and understanding of the world, my perspective.

    So far, the only place where I use neural networks is for correcting the grammar of my imperfect English…

    Comments: About ai… I can’t explain this to a computer
  • extremes of concentrated capitalism or ultra-socialism

    Capitalism, while natural, needs socialist elements to balance chance and luck. A healthy system combines capitalism’s natural exchange and entrepreneurial spirit with socialism’s distribution, avoiding the extremes of concentrated capitalism or ultra-socialism.

    Comments: extremes of concentrated capitalism or ultra-socialism
  • The larger the crowd, the dumber it gets

    Democracy… sooner or later, the crowd will elect a complete fool to lead… reflection.

    The larger the crowd, the dumber it gets; the bigger the state, the more prone it is to mistakes and deception.

    Leadership is better entrusted to the best people with experience, the most honest and intelligent, with an unconditionally clean reputation.

    But the essence lies in size—small communities are more stable than large ones.

    Redistribution of responsibility and loss of signal…

    With the human as we used to know, any large country is, by definition, prone to collapse.

    In the end, small structures will prevail, where the head of the community answers directly to the people who are nearby.

    The fragmentation of countries into smaller entities is inevitable.

    Comments: The larger the crowd, the dumber it gets
  • Survival is stability

    The secret to success in both evolution and survival is stability.

    This is why forming prohibitive measures is less effective than adopting an open and positive approach, as maintaining prohibitions can lead to exhaustion over time.

    Good scenario when you suggest nice and healthy alternative instead of prohibiting something.

    Comments: Survival is stability
  • When a large monopoly is formed

    People use big tech monopolists not because of their quality, but primarily because of their monopoly. 

    When a large monopoly is formed, ideally, it should be divided into a universally accessible and neutral service, similar to a library or basic healthcare in developed countries.

    Comments: When a large monopoly is formed
  • Intervals

    In the nineties, the world basked in prosperity, but now we find ourselves amidst a deepening recession. 

    The cycles in life imply that prosperity will return, only to be followed by another downturn. 

    These recessions are not merely periods of hardship but serve as vital intervals for accumulating strength, paving the way for dynamic renewal and introspective reevaluation. 

    Through these ebbs and flows, we undergo a process of profound reflection and purification.

    Image Source / Daniel Zender
    Comments: Intervals