
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

Today, “security” is a common popular form of deception.

Be accurate updating your software, especially if it’s not open sourced – they can make it worse – they just want to sell more; greed rules today, not quality.
Update only in a very rare case and only when the code is open source and when you can see the list of changes. If it is open source and you clearly see that it fixes obvious vulnerability, close it, updated, of course. But how to believe closed source corporations who continuously been lying about security just to ship you other pack of “pro” shit to sell or to worsen your device to sell you new? You can’t see.

It would be better if they taught general computer education courses instead – open code, encryption, principles of simplicity in systems; in fact they don’t care about your security, honestly, only money… they have enough pennies to live on, the main thing is the pursuit of a number, a badge, sometimes a luxury – the wealth of stupidity.

In general, you could perfectly well use a computer from 2008 or even older, for all typical tasks except realistic 3d seems to be quite enough. They tell “we have made new mega fast computer… same time doing idiotic over-complexity in software and artificial obsolescence to gain sales.

Same in governments, medicine, market. If it’s a corporation focused on generating money, high percentages in chances they don’t care about your safety, they want control and profit. Remeber dictator’s wars usually start the guise of “safety of people” like Donbas or Poland, starting actually killing them later.

Or that virus hysteria a couple of years ago. I don’t deny that viruses happen, sometimes dangerous ones… I’m fine with vaccines and stuff; I speak about that info-noise, the shizo mass-psycho crying about safety… Until the absurd fragile edges. It sounds alarming and false by itself, reasonable statements can’t be formulated like that, such noise about they security concerns was obviously pumped up for profits – journalists, pharmacists, politics… Foucault warned against this – the doctor, the next jailer. Got some problems, let us discuss them calmly, do not threaten freedom.

Don’t trust that. Security idea is messed up. Be accurate… that’s how they sell it, for a reason!

Freedom first, open type of organization, then security.


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