Let us have no illusions, war is close to the natural state of man, in other words – we all have to deal with bad, life is a state of fight, either you solve yourself and your own complexity, or world around you, you can get many random scenarios during your path. War, fight, it’s dirty, but it is natural in terms of overall competition of beauty/freedom formation.

Weak and dirty attack prosperous, unfree attack free, resentment drives aggression… prosperous and reasonable rarely attack first, but it should be understood that a bad neighbors (extrapolate to the whole earth as well…) – sooner or later you will have to deal with them.

Personally, I am always ready for a battle, always ready for the worst, to attack or respond immediately, always ready to die, to fight the enemies – life is not a sugar sweet, it is a complicated thing. Life is good, but our society is complex, never balanced… So much dark in the world, you have to be ready. But in general I stick to the principle of not attacking first, enjoying life anyway. and I am not afraid of all that, life is good and death is good too.


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