In the 1930s, Brecht shocked the guests of a New York party by declaring of the accused at the Moscow show trials: “The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to be shot “6. This statement should be taken quite seriously, not as some kind of perverse impertinence; its basic premise is that in a particular historical struggle, the position of “innocence” (“I don’t want to get my hands dirty by participating in this struggle, I just want to lead a modest and honest life”) embodies the highest culpability. In our world, doing nothing is not empty; it already has meaning-it means saying yes to existing power relations.
…”repressive regimes have never “lost” in a frontal confrontation – at a certain point, when the “old mole” completes its work of internal ideological disintegration, which is not visible on the surface, they simply collapse.” – S.Žižek


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