Here’s a quick thought experiment – I’m going to come to him with my [most famous burgers franchise] burger (assuming he doesn’t familiar with [most famous world burgers franchise]) and he’s obviously more likely to say like it’s bad food. And don’t forget that we’re not talking about smart sophisticated and honest people, but about the average consumerists.

The key is that they eat same in a well-advertised network and is satisfied, but from an unknown person, if they to receive the same thing, they would insult and make an expert out of nothing.

The relations and dialectics here matters the most.

It’s all the same with music and philosophy, and with clothing brands, websites, anything.

Demand and marketing prevail in the perception of products of their actual values espesially when its about an average consumerism point.

The context of striving for quality, it does not matter what the crowd or philistines think, do the best with all your might, try ruthlessly and heartily, and let it be, whatever happens. Look for your people, for best people, as a creator, care minimum for the average.

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