
Freeform thoughts. Stoicism, minimalism

Independent researching, general philosophy

Ethics, aesthetics, quality, tech, life, cosmos

To suffer is useful and normal, especially intellectually – overcoming the difficulties life presents – makes one stronger… well, to a limited extent, of course, not to the point of breaking.

Difficulties and suffering to an intellectual – especially a creator of something new or a potential leader, not an “analyst-and-data-collector-scientist-or-low-level-manager-politician” – are like training for an athlete.

Stress is a transmitter of potentially useful information. Especially artists, creators, even politicians – should understand life from all angles… they will always be higher and deeper, those who have experienced different conditions, who have suffered, rather than those raised in sterile space: surprise but they are inclined to distortion, corruption, and decay more than “sheltered” and well forged “suffered” individuals.

It’s the matter to have a zeal of will to intellect and a correctly placed philosophy of life, to truly become stronger in difficulties and stressors, rather than being spoiled and decomposed. What you appreciate and potentially love – the values and virtues, act like a compass to orient you.

You shouldn’t seek suffering for the sake of suffering, but you shouldn’t fear it either – you should go into battle and suffer “as it as,” – take it, it will be beneficial, just don’t be a fool and don’t engage in a false, empty, and deceived battle – only if it’s for the real ideals and values – for freedom, for example, or real development and progress, for the better, for universal.
It’s sad to see fools who blindly follow orders from superiors without understanding what’s what.

It so happens that some people are extremely inert – just drifting with the current… But nonetheless, we are all brothers – there is no monkeys between people, we all interconnected and, that’s why the duty of those who have understood everything correctly, like the “smart and best ones,” is not to abandon the masses (like a snob, bulding your personality upon illusion “superiority” upon other) but to work with them, to guide people if you got brain, money, taste, experience. Otherwise, it will be bad for everyone.

And don’t forget that suffering is individual on the landscape of personality, COMPASSION is already a false path – I’ll repeat, there’s no need to multiply suffering for the sake of suffering – you just need to understand it and move forward. People who thrive on this are not okay. Friedrich Nietzsche had a critical perspective on compassion, often viewing it as a weakness rather than a virtue. He believed that compassion, particularly when it leads to pity or sympathy for others’ suffering, could undermine individual strength and resilience. Nietzsche saw compassion as a manifestation of slave morality, where the weak seek to bring down the strong by appealing to shared suffering.

Understand suffering, actively fight against it, personally grow upon that, but don’t share it.

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  1. Interesting view. I experienced wealth and simple questions always arise after you got everything… what else, what is next? Luxury…

  2. Whenever I see something got center of attention around just money instead of the whole perspective, I doubt its prosperity.…

  3. Yep who ever said life is a nicely served holiday plate… all facts speak for themselves: life is a movement,…

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