Sometimes people in management or ownership positions have their minds broken (usually becoming weak).

It happens all the time here and there, and there are so many problems with it. 

The protection against fools should be provided from the very core of the base. Obligatory easy change of management in case of poor efficiency of the system. 

But two keys to everything: the first supreme value is reason, intelligence (the main reference point of fitness and success, not like money today or career position, because it is only the top of the essence of intelligence and luck, and luck is not worth counting it is truly quantum spontaneous genuine randomness is an integral part of life) and the second and fundamental right to be able to not obey. 

Don’t be afraid of change and death at all. These are natural and normal processes in our environment, not to deny them, but to accept them.

In general, as always, the main evil is stupidity mixed with impudence. Even if the dictator itself  is smart and forces development like Turkish Ataturk or Russian Peter The Great, still the result is not so bad and usually getting softer perception. Because high intelligence is the main reason to be. Not management systems or subordination bad itself, it’s always an ignorant loud fool who put dirt  nonsense crap on everything around.

After all, one of the main meanings of life is to leave something good behind. 

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