
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

I’ve recently made a small invention for myself, a method to improve the originality of melodies. When I create music or melodies I just play notes on the music keyboard to find perfection, it’s not about drawing on paper like in the past. I record them, look for the right combination and then edit.

So one of the ways today to improve the originality of a piece of art, either music or anything else, as you realized first of all I’m talking about music or art, – is the way of varying the spontaneity of movement during the creation process. It doesn’t have to be the hand, it can be a technical device or whatever.

You have to try to make a new, original movement, a sudden leap in an unusual place, or a stretch where you wouldn’t expect it. A leap, a discontinuity or stretch, a variation in the temporal. It is, after all, the flow of time.

Apparently, something similar to randomization of context in creation is also done by nature – for example, mutations in DNA are a spontaneous factor, the factor of randomness, shuffling and over-shuffling is present.


One asks why seek originality… The fact is that real art is always a search for the new. Otherwise it is not art, but a craft, a sub-service.



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