
Freeform thoughts. Stoicism, minimalism

Independent researching, general philosophy

Ethics, aesthetics, quality, tech, life, cosmos

I used to read The Guardian. I wasn’t a fanatic, but I would open it regularly, sometimes every other day, sometimes every day, for 5-10 minutes.

Seemed to be one of the few more or less balanced mainstream media, didn’t use the greedies’ stupidest invention – pay wall. The information was relatively independent.

But today I can see clearly – it’s bad “can’t think the perspective” newspaper. World became too complex for them. The agenda they’re pushing, the kind of information… too biased and weak-reasoned.

They publish what’s profitable, what’s not dangerous. They don’t seek the truth and – most importantly – the good. They simply write “from the crowd” – essentially there is no nobility there, it’s “a slave ethics” newspaper. I mean Slave-Master in terms of Nietzsche’s Master–Slave morality concept (see Wikipedia for more information)

And remember, I am talking about a relatively good, established, respectable medium. One of the best in the business.

There are different gradations of decadence. For example, I’m not even talking about the North Korean, Russian official, or Iranian media – which is one of the worst sources of information you could ever see. Total lies, twisting and manipulation of information, loud-shouting, don’t-ask-don’t-ask hysteria, etc.

What’s key to say here. The Guardian has softened under the “morality of slaves” – lost the real beacon and become false, no independent strong opinion, just whining to the crowd or big bosses, again – money…

In the case Israel-Hamas and what agenda Guardian is pushing, it is clearly visible, wrong ethics overpowered the noble one.

So I stopped reading it anymore, I’m tired of them putting dishonestly rewritten stuff on the front page every day, and what’s funny, they’ve hidden Ukraine from the front page at all. All those endless pictures of hamas being hit and suffering… yes, war is hard, sometimes innocent suffers, but who started it… The Guardian as well as good amount of well established western sources are obviously biased today, not honorable, sometimes stupid; it’s called giving up to barbarians. A real noble, strong and smart will always come out to fight for the good, for the perspective progress; because it is self-defining values. And only master ethics will survive, – because their independence, will-to-truth and passion to deep education can see real values and way, not that big hysteria oil-money funds masses. The Guardians no longer seek and define true values as I can see it for today (after lots and various deeps checks) – they seem to be only a tool in the hands of average minds/wills.

You ask me a question – what to read, what to watch, whom to believe? This is not an easy question, but I will try to answer it briefly… Today there is a lot of bad information, the Internet is one big dump actually, but there are some good things on it, but only about 20%. Remember the formula 80% to 20%, it works… sometimes stupid wins by mass, sometimes smart wins, it’s the mechanics of society on a large scale. Sometimes stupid people become smart or vice versa… it’s a flow, but the state is constant. I’d read anti-fragile individuals who got nothing to loose, or small decentralized organizations with proven reputation. We immediately cut off here the big media and corporations- they are no longer trustworthy – we still (rarely) open them, but we don’t believe them anymore, they have ruined their reputation, for real – clearly visible of decaying today under the pressure of mass psychosis, mass ignorance, slave morality, overgrown not-quality-but-money-only-focused structures…

What you need to look for today are smart, independent, individual speakers, or small-sized medias. There’s truth and fearlessness there. I am not going to give any recommendations at the moment. However, I should note that you cannot ignore the Internet, you still need to look at public places sometimes – there is stench, rottenness, and weakness, insanity – this is reality and you need to know it.

These are dark times today, change is coming. Life itself ain’t stupid, anything stupid in it will disappear over time, don’t worry.


Latest comments

  1. Interesting view. I experienced wealth and simple questions always arise after you got everything… what else, what is next? Luxury…

  2. Whenever I see something got center of attention around just money instead of the whole perspective, I doubt its prosperity.…

  3. Yep who ever said life is a nicely served holiday plate… all facts speak for themselves: life is a movement,…

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