
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

Not only WWII germans were national fascists, but potentially any society can become.

It is necessary to understand that it’s not about Germans being fascists or Italians (the originators) or Russians, because it’s just the way they are or their culture. Any society can become like that; it’s in human nature as of today (unfortunately), to obey to whoever they have got, and to shift responsibility; espesially for the average ordinary person, I mean (but under pressure, almost everyone…).

Potentially, any group can become like this under certain circumstances. Many scientific experiments show that is real. This is a vulnerability of today’s world and a very significant one.

What to do about it… Firstly, this problem affects only large organizations – reorganization into small groups is one solution. Secondly, continuous and straightforward cultivation of a culture of fearless (espesially anti-fear to lose things or body [=death]) and critical thinking (asking questions and seeking truth); and, literally the right not to follow orders (as is already the case in the German army) but to act based on understanding and real reasoning, humanity focused. Of course, this is not all, just briefly touching on this topic…

The concept of authority and obey/submission in social structures, its efficiency, benefits, and harms, is a complex and multifaceted question. But it’s important not to forget today that the world we are accustomed to seeing is only a glimpse of the era’s horizon; its roots and consequences go deeper.

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