
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

The brain is not perfect – it is only “one of the early versions” of the mother nature’s self-empowered calculation-reflection machines.

Huge, gigantic time segments of the cosmos, on which quantitative and qualitative changes take place, are extremely distant to us in terms of sensations.

The reason is not perfect either – though when it wants to be, it is close to it. The reason can feel the god – but not those bootleg religious forms of mythology – rather simply the Highest.

God is an entity not cognizable in the usual sense of the word – especially within the framework of still quite primitive homosapiens… the very word and concept of god as we used to know it is already a skewed, vulgarized idea…

You can’t see some things anyway, like what is beyond the blackness of the universe – no way…
You can feel, you can suggest, but feelings are tricky.

All religion is just dogmatic fairy tales and propagandistic beliefs – Hollywood and images, self-deception, it’s all about average minds and below. A sense of the higher but corruptly reinterpreted into the lower.

And even though the reason can sense the higher, it is still stuck on the guts and blood of our everyday life.

We’re just a transitional stage to the perfect machines of the future.

But still we’ve something, the essence is to pass this stage, to make it beautiful, clear, not to fall apart and not to shit ourselves, not to destroy our home… Man’s mission and his essence is in his work, in the aspiration to the highest.

Live and die peacefully, at any moment, and let it be.

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