
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

Simply to listen to, watch, and derive pleasure from, to understand something, to internalise the author’s experience—this is the primary universal benefit of music, films, paintings, games—bringing aesthetic and intellectual pleasure, an act of understanding connected aesthetically and ethically, a discovery, emotionally healing, supporting, nourishing the soul and mind.

Yet for example glamour celebrity or romanticized crime or ultra-noise of incomprehensible hipsters, obscure overcomplexity directed pseudo-philosophies—may only carry partial value to its creators or superficial benefit to consumers: self-expression or a way to showcase oneself. Yes, for example, dark rotten criminal or flashy glamour can be aesthetically appealing, but is the trick there, and if it achieves that and brings pleasure, seems all good. But it’s only a part of the value stack. What perspective does such offer? A very short one. Sharing experiences… the complex human fate encounters different shades of sadness and hardship, or mega sweet and lucky, who knows. Aesthetic shades and geometry of the soul vary. But it’s one thing when it’s done sincerely and for the sake of pure interest in creating something beautiful and usefull, it’s another when it’s placed on the conveyor belt of commerce.

Interesting specimens can be found in both places, but overall, aligning artistic orientation with finances is destructive and disorienting in its essence because the primary aspect of art is the expression of independent energy in the freedom areas of high intellegency. If creators successfully converge on expressing energy and experience and also hit upon a commercial vein, finding a direct stream of consumer people, it happens, and it’s just a mid term fortunate coincidence. But in the context of values, artificals feelings devoid of worth.

Or rather, perhaps it should be this way, so there is good and bad, repulsive and sweet, in every way, so that all facets of experience are revealed, the essential flow of diverse mutually exclusive and therefore driving themself experiences.

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