Formulating a way
The act of seeking and defining problems holds greater significance than fixating on positivity of hastening to resolve; many issues unfold over time.
It’s OK to be wrong sometimes, just accept it
I can be wrong. I can be wrong and this is normal, and I’m not afraid of it, the main thing is to realize the conclusions and move on. We can all make mistakes and that’s totally OK. To absolutely eliminate all fears and protection of one’s own mistakes – which usually makes things even…
Always remember
Always remember, your opinion is just your opinion.The world is a very complex and complicated thing.♪ there’s a lot of illusions and dark places in your head ♪Don’t jump to conclusions just like that
Just an episode
Never take any event too seriously.After all, it’s just an episode.
Life is circles
Life is a series of interconnected circles, the circle of maintaining order, the circle of existence, the cyclical journey through each passing day…
The Great Question
The great question… what is the place and meaning of man’s destiny to the universe to the cosmos
The Best Investment
There exists no superior utilization of energy and resources than directing them towards enhancing the intricacy of synaptic connections, as these neural pathways shape the very essence of our understanding and knowledge. Who is actually powerful – the wise one.