🎉Anniversary compilations of the best tracks now available ✨
Finally, after many months of preparation, I’ve released three monumental albums/compilations of the best tracks I’ve ever made, in the three main spectrums of music: high-tempo, low-tempo, and no-tempo. Initially the album names and covers included the years 2010-2023, but then I changed my mind and decided to let these albums be “live-periodically-updated”, so I’ll…
mittnetworkmusic: new Iksnx, other details
New Iksnx album has been released. Downtempo Acid Tape, Vol. 1 by Iksnx In December 2023, when I was working on jazz albums and beats, among other things and I happened to have an interesting sketch, I added acid riffs to the downtempo groove… and then it was decided to make an album like this.…
Finally I found time to prepare and release the new long-waited DAS album I’ve been planning in my head for over 4 years or so… this is the real sound of DAS – very experimental. It consists of tracks made at very different times, some just recently, some a couple years old demos. DAS by…
News: swhq and optmay in August 2023
After many changes, I can finally say that it’s done, the new 2023 Big album for sleeping called “Harvest-23”. Initially it had a human on the cover, but then I found a better version of the design and corrected it. Also, yesterday I released a new album as swhq – Simple/Blitz. I did careful mastering…
Optmay 2023
New big album – my already established tradition – for sleep and relaxation – optmay, almost done. Just a week or so to be released (tracks are complete)
Finally finishing hyperfocus
Started writing philosophy in 2019 I came thru various ways on media, but originally it always was a grey colored, aphorisms alike flow. S.A.B, Cognitive Confluencem etc, now I feel I found solid suitable format for my thoughts.