Balancing aesthetic: the base prevails
Aesthetically, even if one likes the colorful (for example, in clothes), it is normal and acceptable, and sometimes it might even be good, but one must remember to balance it with the “base” – the garnish – “rice”, “bread”, that is – the simple. Aesthetically, but also ideologically. Balancing it with simplicity. Black, white, gray,…
Aesthetic nature of destruction and order
Is the idea of destruction attractive? Yes, just like order… all this seems to be a part or a general composite model of something general and whole. What happens when we feel, express “attractive” – the inner self reflects the outer and is energized, the cognition forms itself then Reception of destruction, of order… sometimes…
Electricity in music and life
The cell is powered by electricity from both sides of charge, and it’s quite powerful. If we were to compare the size of an atom to that of cell, then the concentration of electricity stored there in atoms would be equal to that of a lightning bolt. Life is essentially a continuous process of transferring…
Aesthetic fields, concept
Whether subject wants to or not, it always functions and translates a code of aesthetic and ethic fields. Usually already charged with the energy of other fields. The energy finds, regenerates and transmit itself in the code. Fields have boundaries of intersections and audience-subjects of the field – for example, the stylistics of y2k, hairy…