Filter emotions
It’s perfectly normal to seek an emotional filter today. Emotions are often perceived as uncontrollable, but they can be managed through careful understanding and a cool, neutral perspective. Emotions can be exploited, causing harm, especially in political and mass media contexts. Art can also exploit emotions, such as the pseudo-sad piano melodies often used in…
Abstract idea of evil
Don’t see evil.Too abstract.Hate is blinding.Must see the messiness, complexity, inefficiency of systemsLook wider.Calmer. The concept of evil may be fine for a simple pop-cinema. But in the real world it’s an embellishment, a dead-end emotion, a false aesthetic overlay. Evil is in fact ignorance, confusion, complexity, sometimes just a disorder. Golden Drops V/A 2…
Emotional charging
You have to keep thinking of ways to make life better. Collect pluses… And information, real data, not speculative manipulations. Instead of collecting the negativity and drowning in the minus. Emotional charges. Discuss bad things less, for example. It’s about the tone and filtering. Still need to see the dirt and clean it sometimes… But…
The perspective
You must cognize the perspective of reality through a strategy of critical thinking, real logic, not with emotions… emotions is a good powerful fuel, but not the driver, the reason itself; rationality is a factor of survival.