Facing Uncomfortable Truths
One is cursed if he believes what he wants to believe. A subject must do his best to see and find the real truth as it is, and to accept it and act upon the facts, and not upon the illusions of the comfort of the mutated facts with which the brain constantly tries to…
Life is like a racing game – you are constantly not only supposed to accelerate but also to brake. One might say, for a dialectical comparison… a dictator of some sort or a billionaire or a pop star, always racing high without stops and seemingly fine. But actually no, he’s not fine – it’s an…
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It’s an illusion: “the more you get the more you get”; how about the processing itself? The best things are elegant and simple, well made, not always shallow or stingy – can be voluminous, large, but always stylish and nice, having their own essence, the depth. am da//jt by sx16 am da//jt by sx16 “sx16…
Conspiracy theorists
It’s always better to doubt and ask questions. We are quite limited creatures to really know all the reasons, and our mind often creates a lot of illusions for us too. So it’s just safer to have a critical mind, a factor of survival.I used to think it was a little dangerous to recommend something…
The Mirage of Variety
There exists something known as the mirage of variety, where a person strives to obtain everything – tasting all the dishes, pursuing all romantic interests, visiting all countries, listening to every track, acquiring all the movies, and so on. To begin with, for real – it becomes boring quickly, one can’t experience everything, it’s same…
Today, “security” is a common popular form of deception. Be accurate updating your software, especially if it’s not open sourced – they can make it worse – they just want to sell more; greed rules today, not quality. Update only in a very rare case when you can see the list of changes. If it…
Over-consumerism, poverty
In well developed countries, poverty is not what one does not have, but what he lacks – his needs, his wishes, quite often- delusional passions. Value’s point of view. In dark times of modern’s world concentrated over-consumerism ideals, peoples rarely feels satisfied with the basics everyone actually needs, but rather continuously seeks more and more,…
Don’t hate
Too much polarization You can’t absolutely hate stupid people, just like you can’t hate a wrongly prepared (e.g. with ms installed) laptop – a laptop itself is usually a good machine, masterpieces could be made on it, as well as those people’s brains are generally good… every human is a beautiful, complex creature, just a…
Virtual Reality
No doubts virtual reality will take a huge, definitive role in the future markets. Humans just love illusions so much. Humans’ reality. But hardware must be simplified at first.
Decisions and honesty
It’s easier and better to take courage and admit that okay I was wrong and shut down the failed project (and any other projects) than to pull a nonsense and make it worse just to show them you’re “so good” you can’t be wrong.
Always remember
Always remember, your opinion is just your opinion.The world is a very complex and complicated thing.♪ there’s a lot of illusions and dark places in your head ♪Don’t jump to conclusions just like that