Language is a map
Language is a map of understanding, experiences transformed into a structured code. Knowledge is stable and reality-proven form of that code, while disinformation might not be actually real – it’s a phantom intended to generate quick profits regardless of consciousness.
Big data; mind processing
With all the new technologies—starting from electricity to advanced encoding techniques—we now have access to vast amounts of information. However, this information does not yet constitute knowledge (which is tested experience that can be repeated and valued for human or natural growth) nor feeling (a pathway to knowledge and meaningful experience, such as through art). To achieve these, all…
Gradual build-up effect
The more you know, more you know—and the more you know. And vice versa: if you fall into disinformation and lies once, then again and again, you end up like a rotten moron. How to navigate? At least, be honest with yourself, always be ready to accept when you were wrong and correct for the…
Cognition and experience
They say that the purest knowledge is empirical, that is, based on direct experience. But experience can be deceitful, e.g. optical illusions or logical experiments of dual interpretation. After all, understanding is the primary of the mind and of it’s director: the reason. A simple experiment: imagine the smartest man, the best mind system in…