On suffering
To suffer is useful and normal, especially intellectually – overcoming the difficulties life presents – makes one stronger… well, to a limited extent, of course, not to the point of breaking. Difficulties and suffering to an intellectual – especially a creator of something new or a potential leader, not an “analyst-and-data-collector-scientist-or-low-level-manager-politician” – are like training…
Crap Tech
Don’t use anything from Apple; they sell poor-quality stuff and do bad things. They hide their closed system greedy proprietary code in a fancy wrapper, not to help you or make the world better, but just to get money, no ethics; without thinking about our perspective as a human species – a common value. They…
Avoid drowning in the daily stream of social networks and news. Today’s mass media and most journanists or celebrities’ approach of kill-but-get-profit-or-promotion is a headache.A once a week or so run through the main signal sources is enough. Analyze seriousl, fearlessly, openly. Less is better. Real information, no buzz. Know what is signal and what…
The horizon
The horizon of events in the world… It’s as if we can’t see, as if we were moving on a ball, we can’t clearly see what will be and what was behind… All blue and obscurity. As it is, so it is. Do what you have to do and let it be, сome what may.…
It doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter what uninformed average person thinks, and here’s a quick thought experiment – I’m going to come to him with my [most famous burgers franchise] burger (assuming he doesn’t familiar with [most famous world burgers franchise]) and he’s obviously more likely to humiliate me like it’s crap food. And don’t forget that we’re…
Conspiracy theorists
It’s always better to doubt and ask questions. We are quite limited creatures to really know all the reasons, and our mind often creates a lot of illusions for us too. So it’s just safer to have a critical mind, a factor of survival.I used to think it was a little dangerous to recommend something…
Open source and proprietary software: when is appropriate & a little about the excess
On one hand, open source is always better; you know what the program is doing and can improve it… But on the other hand, developers need to earn a living. Indeed, it’s ridiculous to work for free, as one can easily die of hunger, lose motivation… Programming can bring pleasure in itself, but it’s not…
‘How can this be? Universal harmony, life, the wonders of music? Still everything to die?..’ So what? In the end, you will die, and so will the universe. ‘But… is there any salvation?..’ Yes, there is. It lies in exploring the world, for instance, understanding dark energy; doing meaningful deeds, creating values that inspire, doing…
Artificial values
Never “marry” ideas, even if you’ve invested a lot in them, we humans are very complex creatures and it’s normal to make mistakes sometimes. It’s better and easier to be open and say “I was wrong, OK, let’s move on, at least I learned something new” than to constantly destroy the path by those wrongly…
No ostentation, but honest
There is no need to constantly run to be the best – everyone is different.Striving for the real quality, that is another story. Don’t push too hard, all you need at first is just to be honest with yourself and others.
Most Nazis feared job loss, stayed quiet about evil
Never be afraid of losing your job especially if it’s bad. Try to find new one, no fears. Whenever we live and have stable earth around us, we’ll have something to share. Be afraid of your shitty job and losing time and freedom, not losing the money or something.
Negative pleasure, positive suffering
There are negative pleasures, as well as the positive suffering. The odds are in the perspective.