
Various parts of the human brain are not necessarily interconnected.

But it’s true that we can only call a truly good man a morally and correctly intelligent man, that is, a noble man. That’s primary. A well-trained brain in terms of aesthetics, technology, is nothing without proper ethics, moral course and nobility, it is like a powerful car with a bad driver. What I mean by correct moral course… let’s take the basics, the simplest and most understandable – do not harm others, do not lie, do not be greedy, be ready to die and go away any day.

Nobility as “a noble character” or “displays nobility of spirit” not as someone’s family lineage or aristocratic background.

There are deep minds with excellent skills or unique talents – but moral freaks and therefore doomed, I do not respect such people, even if they have created a lot of delicious. For me, the main thing is that a person should be honest, pointed for the truth… it’s good if he’s talented or gifted, but in general it’s no problem if he’s just an average.

“Clever, noble, but not talented; talented, noble, but not clever; or, lastly, talented, clever, but not noble” – a quote from somewhere.


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