
The total noise pollution of the information space is a significant problem of the modern era, and it is increasing… and even more with the new influx of pseudo-artificial intelligence.

The environment is polluted by people are either foolish and tasteless, or weak and greedy, perverted, they literally defecating everything around – the internet, concepts, ideas, politics, and philosophy. Influenced by false ideals of the post-capitalist era, they have the wrong beacon, they’ve got the wrong path. Without proper guidance, and now with the added influx, it’s just mega trash everywhere, spam, and low quality.

Detecting real signals in the midst of all this noise is one of today’s challenges, and transmitting signals becomes even more difficult. These are tasks for the new generation, navigating through these digital dumps.

All of this stems from the pursuit of money, fame, and other false values. The focus should be on striving for the quality of products, our society, connections.

It is crucial to comprehend that a genuine, critical, sharp, and high-quality focused philosophy of life is essentially required today. Philosophy of life – a proper mix on the edges of the best science and art, morals and aesthetics. Real leaders are needed for that. The world today is mostly ruled by grey, fragile-maker clerks; that’s one of the issues.

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