
The approach to explaining the first causes by creation and creators is frankly weak and helpless – who created the stones? … and who created the creator? and who created the creator of creator? No, it’s too banal. Why try to explain, if we could just let it be hidden until we get more facts.

Important to remember one simple thing – we don’t know much – and to calm down on this, i.e. to work on the nearest level, to develop bridges there, and not to dream of going there just like that, one fantastic jump, easy way, it is an illusion.

At some level, even the concepts themselves may not be clear, for example, we have quite a primitive feeling or multi dimensional space or hyper complexity of human relations (someone said, “there is no evil but there is a complexity”).

If you don’t know, if you can’t, don’t make a fuss. Don’t look for empty explanations, it’s too far and complicated, focus on the tangible.