You’d get even three times more lucky, still you’re a fool directed to an end road after all.

For the real success, good morals and general education comes before power and money.


4 responses to “A fool with luck”

  1. Anonymous

    Путинизм он же нео сталинизм он же обыкновенный дешевый манипулятивный фейк ньюс и терроризм — фашизм. Абузерская тема маленького человека самым примитивным образом постоянно врущая и запугивающая безобидных, своих же. По сути оболванивание и без того болванов, но потерях лучших, как итог безусловная потеря и порча всего вокруг, и результат — очередь желающий обосрать могилу подобного безобразия с целью скорейшей декомпозиции столь кривого и нежизнеспособного уродства

    И мгновенное забвение

    Слава героям Украины сражающимся против этой вони

    1. Zack Andr

      Bro слова правда but don’t care much about that crap it’s doomed anyway

  2.  Anonymous

    хуйло или гитлер это быдло ебаное,  видно сразу – слабый ум; по сути мелкие, ценности соотвествующие.
    быдло против умных это вечная война, тягучка. Быдло всегда проигрывает, но не сразу (ведь их больше). Стимулирует умных умнеть 
    в раше быдло традиционно на коне; столько травм и иммиграций на обществе;  культурный код просел конкретно

  3. Zack Andr

    Both cases of Germany and Russia have imperialism as the root as well as the artificially formed idea of a ‘nation. (that’s why collapse of russia is highly possible: any empire is doomed, and even despite any putinism putrid, connections of nations inside are quite weak, modern england and german gives their turkish and indian friends much more respect that russians gives their real citizens and minors)

    But the Russian case feels much cheaper and crazier due to its historically multilayered formed anti-humanistic and misdirected systems of authority that the Russian state has always suffered from.

    As someone mentioned above, indeed it is a sort of new stalinism (I wonder why after ww2 world had not mentioned & fixed the truth that russian dictator stalin was not any better than hitler expect german’s total empty ideas about jews, but still constantly killing folks of his own “nation”? greed of unintelligent people knows no limits)

    And of course russian cultural code is severely damaged: there are hardly any real values left so the basic folks are lost.

    We should all remember that crap like hitler or stalin/putin/mao first and foremost grow from a certain cultural base (I suppose you can put any random basic moron thru the same flow of circumstances and may see not a good result too) and that’s the key to understanding how to fix such errors in the future

    photo from orignal post was taken from a wall in georgia while I was traveling around that region some years ago

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