
It is difficult to say that it is just ugly or that this work is frankly bad (if a person made it from the heart, not to order or for the sake of money or fame). It would be more precise to say “I don’t quite understand it”, “it’s not to my current taste”, “it’s not finished to the end”, “the idea is incongruous”, “it’s blind and not enough experience”.

In many ways, the feeling of beauty is a subjective feeling, it is born in our heads as a reaction, it is our feeling – human. external it only stimulates, causes.

It is therefore unrealistic to ethically postulate aesthetic objectivity, it is always just a shadow.

The general principles of harmonies exist unconditionally, no doubts, but they give the reason such justifications to judge and a basis for the search for a universal factor of beauty, but after all it is only a basis, it is dry on a blank sheet of paper without personal feelings of the reflections processes.

John Ruskin – Flowers, 1886

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