What could be better than money? Be above money.

And better through experienced feelings of wisdom mixed with minimalism and stoicism, not by crushing heads trying get lucky and therefore rich (capitalism system).

Fortune and luck are sorts of random; never truly yours; that luck actually can put lots of crap on your style.

I knew and lived through both extremes, and believe me, the second might be boring at best (not to mention the poor masses constantly hating you).

Keep it simple yet highest quality, be ready to lost everything one moment; enjoy complexity of life.

2 responses to “What could be better than money”

  1. Anonymous

    The mind and reason are the key things to get with, of course if well seasoned with practical real life philosophy not religions, politics or any sorts of idealism.

    I mean if you’re so smart, independent and flexible you don’t need to think about the money that hard

  2. Anonymous

    “Development is generated by need, and success by difficulties”

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