Self-spinning nature of progression
Spiral of progression Black and white Something and nothing Prosperity and crisis It’s all necessary, it’s all natural… spiraling through itself, thus the eternal motion of the engine of life is realized. An inner screwing backwards… recoil… a sudden push like aversion forward… some bounce back. Then again… It’s a circular movement, both sides are…
Assorted Musings
Life is not a random phenomenon or magic. It is just the very essence of complication and selection of (chemical and physical) dynamic processes, any chemical reaction develops complication and selection among others (the most efficient processes get more space and energy, gradually the process of organization of reactions takes place). Far more questionable in…
Processing chemistry of brain, emptiness and consciousness, the scheme of its relations
Are the sensations of reality, including the “delivery of things as they are” created by the brain and its processing chemistry, or is it a direct connection? Is emptiness real and then what role does pure consciousness play in it? The world is material and exists independently of consciousness – no doubt here, that is…
There’s no such thing as absolute freedom
There’s no such thing as absolute freedom. It’s always more about the wisdom of limitations. Just like about a leader, a tyrant is only bad when he’s stupid and untalented. Forceful promotion of good ideas, even if sacrifices have to be made, is always well received by people lately. In short, the main thing is…
There must be an edge… otherwise it’s difficult to catch on to the essence (ideas, products, everything) Limitations are an amplifier of creative power, not only on the part of the creator but also on the part of the consumer. Always be aware of the limits and edges everywhere.
Cultural Code Determines Ways of Life
Just as DNA directs the essence of an object’s physical development, the cultural code with which an individual is programmed determines their destiny or the destiny of a whole group. A barbaric cultural code leads to decay and suffering. The brain can reprogram itself with other, better codes; a clean ‘freedom’ environment helps reprogram bad…
Be ready to lose everything. Nothing physical truly belongs to us; it’s all just temporary rent. Only your mind and your time are yours
The worst scenario
Always be ready for the worst. Anyway there is nothing to fear, you will die some day.
Events, not things
The world is made up of events and chances, not things.You don’t really own anything. It’s just some events (often random).Groups of atoms came together this way, not that way.It’s all a flux.Everything will change.