
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

Frankly, I’m tired of Apple and all their greedy, stupid tactics. Once I had a few gifted Apple products, then I saw the truth and stopped. Today I’m talking about all those software and firmware updates you can’t turn off, the annoying non-stop notifications, spying, the lack of repair and ownership rights, the hidden complex terms of use, closed nature, etc. It seems like they don’t really care about your quality of life, only their profits, numbers and money. They’ve hired some talented engineers and designers, had some success in hardware and so on, but the root, the DNA of this company (as well as all other similar overgrown corporations of the modern era) is corrupt and useless, sometimes even seriously endangering the environment.

Listen guys, I know for sure all your ‘security’ updates is just a scam thing to fraud me to slow my devices and to sell me your new fancy toys like “pro” subscriptions and other muddy marketing stuff.

Still Apple has a good taste in design (sometimes) and is much better than Google, Microsoft or Samsung – these are much worse.

Open hardware and open source, that’s the real way to do computing – that’s got some real perspective. I recommend. Meanwhile, the tactics of overgrown hardly focused on money corporations do sooner or later will lead to disaster.


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