
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

In past there used to be nothing like what we have today in the digital era – like, if it’s videos, then only watch on YouTube, or if it’s apps, then only from the Apple (or something similar) store.

This is a wrong approach and it is a reality that corporations intentionally shaped in the perception of people, using popular tricks like pseudo-security and psychological pressure – in other words, monopoly and fraud.

I remember those times, minimum about eight-five years ago, when we used to visit websites to watch videos, and developers provided apps on their own websites. Now it’s aggressively monopolized. Meanwhile stores and platforms themself are full of junk, spam and scam. Obviously, they don’t mind quality or user-experience, they care about direct & fast money-profits only. They absorbed and monopolized the market. This is bad.

That’s why I avoid everything from big huge companies, just because it’s all about bad quality after some short period of their growth… not respecting people, not respecting the environment and nature, greedy killing everything for the money… in my daily life I don’t use anything made by Big Tech (expect their criminal monopolization of our social needs because today I have to work with people on platforms like YouTube to promote them better ideas), meanwhile I still keep all my stuff and daily life away from them, even the videos to be kept on my own website and look forward to cut this last tie as soon as possible too.

Just like we see an imbalance in the food chain in nature, where, for example, if a certain type otter gone extinct, sea urchins overgrow from that, then underwater forests perish, and without forests, the balance of carbon dioxide is disrupted, whole system to be seriously damaged then…The economy should be free from monopoly growths and those greedy monsters mega-corporations; they harm themselves and others.

New reality, this digital world, it’s on a early stage and still not balanced by us, time to take action and responsibility already; at least you can boycott – there are plenty of good alternatives like open source world.

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