Less is more
Anything tastes better when consumed in smaller, moderare amounts.
Everything you’ve believed could be false statements
Remember, everything you’ve believed could be just some false statements. Even very deep and solid ones like gravity or concepts of morality (for example, honest). Still, no problem, just be humble and assume it’s okay to be wrong sometimes, keep moving towards universal truth. You’re just a fruit on a big tree of life, nothing…
The Movement
The entire essence of the Universe and life is to move to the next level: something new after this one; to master technologies and the quality for it, to form the greal progress. Problems, complexity, and mess serve as the backing mechanism for the movement
Most Nazis feared job loss, stayed quiet about evil
Never be afraid of losing your job especially if it’s bad. Try to find new one, no fears. Whenever we live and have stable earth around us, we’ll have something to share. Be afraid of your shitty job and losing time and freedom, not losing the money or something.
Negative pleasure, positive suffering
There are negative pleasures, as well as the positive suffering. The odds are in the perspective.
Decisions and honesty
It’s easier and better to take courage and admit that okay I was wrong and shut down the failed project (and any other projects) than to pull a nonsense and make it worse just to show them you’re “so good” you can’t be wrong.
I can’t stand their dogmatism, their lack of critical thinking. To maintain and translate good quality cultural code we need real philosophy, not religions. Be open, ask questions.
Social Decentralization
The concept of decentralization was hidden to Plato in his criticism of democracy, and in general all his writings on the nature of the state are a weak nonsense. But yeah, indeed, in some terms, democracy sucks, masses as a phenomenon ain’t good at all – easy to manipulate them and you better not to…
Anxiety is the fuel of false hype
People were just afraid of losing their jobs, that’s why they buzzed so much about new wave of AI, meanwhile its just an utility that scrambled other peoples’ experiences over the internet, no real revolution happened. If you already got boring job, you’ve got nothing to lose. False hype is a common thing this era.…
Never hesitate to protest
All the good things we have in society are thanks to those who fought and protested before us.
Real authority’s power is the open one only
The exposition of life (the will) does not lead to self-preservation but to the manifestation of power. The key here is to understand what real power/authority is – it is always open and wide, it gives much and does not ask for anything in return. It’s not a closed totalitarian model – those things… I…
Attention has become a technological resource
Today it became mega necessary to be able to distract oneself from unnecessary data that is constantly coming in through the phone or tablet, through the mass media. They seek to manipulate your attention actually.
Small Dog Syndrome
In comparing themselves to larger dogs, small dogs become resentful of their size. Similarly, people, when consumed by the bitterness of comparison, start acting not authentically. Embrace diversity; each individual’s uniqueness is a beautiful tapestry that should be celebrated.
What part of consciousness
When I sleep, how I perceive the dreams – by what part of the consciousness?
The three principles
Ignore imbeciles Stay neutral to provocation Never attack first, but fight hard for protection
Balance Your Growth
In their blind pursuit of growth, they have forgotten the value of real quality and why people used to need it. Not quality or perspective, only money and numbers, this is what pushes them forward. When possible I boycott such companies and refrain from using their products. In reality, their actions contribute to the degradation…