Computer music of 1980s and 1990s
An interesting playlist of old video game music, with all tracks composed by David Whittaker.
Ethics and aesthetics when dealing with first impressions
A useful method to check if something is suitable or not is to catch the very first impression, the very first imprint from the consciousness when you come into contact with something. Then examine it honestly, before any biases or preconceived notions influence your conclusions. What has already crossed our minds may be contaminated or…
Language is a map
Language is a map of understanding, experiences transformed into a structured code. Knowledge is stable and reality-proven form of that code, while disinformation might not be actually real – it’s a phantom intended to generate quick profits regardless of consciousness.
Contemplation & consciousness: a memory and language related phenomena
In the early years of life, even humans do not experience contemplation in the full sense of the word. There is merely an awareness of current existence, even before the formation of speech and the general conceptual apparatus. It is during this time that the first memories are formed… In other words, consciousness is partly…
Depth of darkness opens opportunities
A human is designed in such a way that even wrong may benefit them. We inherit this from nature as a whole. Dinosaurs didn’t work out, so it did even better – just developed another scenario. Depth of darkness opens opportunities. Some imbalance provides true balance. If anything were extra smooth and perfect, without any…
Movement is the essence, object – contextual
Some try hard to build something… others try harder to destroy. In any case, everyone moves. Movement is the essence, object – contextual.
The skill of skeptics
Why is skepticism preferable to dogmatism? Because recognizing flaws allows room for enhancement. The entire aim of existence is to continually progress, so that aligns seamlessly. The skill of skeptics is not being simplistic or unwise. You don’t question everything; you focus on key facts. Dismissing thoroughly researched and verified information is just irrational. Acknowledge…
Neuron is not transistor
“The main unit of a biological computer is a nerve cell, or neuron, which is internally very different from a (computer chip) transistor. Of course, the code through which neurons exchange information resembles the code based on a sequence of impulses used in digital computing machines, but an individual neuron is a much more sophisticated…
About ai… I can’t explain this to a computer
As about ai… To be honest I barely use it, although of course as a computers fan I know tech news well and have tried almost everything. The thing is, I express not the emotions of a computer but my own. I feel… these things can’t be expressed in words. Words are another level. Can…
Survival is stability
The secret to success in both evolution and survival is stability. This is why forming prohibitive measures is less effective than adopting an open and positive approach, as maintaining prohibitions can lead to exhaustion over time. Good scenario when you suggest nice and healthy alternative instead of prohibiting something.
When a large monopoly is formed
People use big tech monopolists not because of their quality, but primarily because of their monopoly. When a large monopoly is formed, ideally, it should be divided into a universally accessible and neutral service, similar to a library or basic healthcare in developed countries.
In the nineties, the world basked in prosperity, but now we find ourselves amidst a deepening recession. The cycles in life imply that prosperity will return, only to be followed by another downturn. These recessions are not merely periods of hardship but serve as vital intervals for accumulating strength, paving the way for dynamic renewal…
Soon, there will be a significant number of unemployed intelligent individuals with aspirations. This situation presents fertile ground for revolutionary movements. Potential outcomes include the implementation of universal basic income and substantial restructuring of capitalism.
By default the internet constantly keeps you in tension. Too much noise. One can’t focus deeply while in tension because real signals come with some space around them. Watch the dosage.
It’s not the theory of the dying Internet
It’s not the theory of the dying Internet but the demise of individual corporate giants that grew excessively and at any cost, leading to their downfall. Refer to the death of these overgrown players instead Despite the challenges, people will continue to rely on the Internet and adapt to its ever-changing landscape.
“Them or me?”
Group extinction is gradual, unlike intense individual competition.
Style… Understanding what’s achieved
Speaking about creation of art, very often you have to create something modern and awesome, not just in the way you like it… it’s a subtle issue… to achieve something truly cool, you must also comprehend objective reality, not just what’s in your head… something like that. For example, in fashion, not just some random…
Helpless, bandit, intelligent and stupid
“Cipolla divides people into four categories: helpless, bandit, intelligent and stupid. In any normal interaction between two people, he contends, the helpless person suffers a loss while the other gains. The bandit exacts a benefit while levying a loss on the other. The intelligent person gains while enabling the other person also to gain. The…