Alternative forms of societal organization, such as decentralized, small interconnected groups will emerge. Capitalism, a fuel for concentration of power, is temporary, will be reformed in future too. Normal people usually are just tired and going lazy crazy; The scale, that is the problem… anything overgrown concentrated can be bad, overgrown big bad to be…
Universal income
Universal income will appear most likely only when the number of unemployed will be really high, when all this automation and everything else will be everywhere. Tech challenges society, hard but for better.
Progress is not always straightforward, don’t blindly believe in anything new, neomania often leads to nothing but noise. Simple, stable, practical things win. Observe critically. Progress is resilience, not speed. Over time, only robust solutions will endure, as complexity fades away.
What Money Can’t Fix
I just randomly hit my elbow hard No money in the whole world would save me from this And from much more But the right wise view of the world could at least save my soul Life goes on…
Effortlessness is the key to good quality style. It’s not just about order and neatness, but also about feeling free and unburdened. Top quality always feels easy and simple. And it is, but remember the attempts, values, focus, and experience lying behind that. With that freedom of movement, you are getting up and through.
Stable priority
A balanced, intelligent mind can handle almost any challenge effectively, but it needs time to adjust. A collaboration between such minds is even more beneficial. To allocate energy well, focus on intellectual and humanistic aspects, use these as a foundation to apply open-minded, critical thinking. Everything will turn out well then. End-road values like cults…
Joy in an essential thing
The key to success is to find an easy approach and enjoy the process. Restrictions and forcing only work for a limited time frame. How to read more books: If a book is too boring, take another one. Find something good in whatever you do, it’s a right to joy, otherwise no flow, no signal
I like the idea of Bitcoin (banks and money are hell things) but it’s too idealistic for our current, still quite savage world stage. Someday, it’s likely to be compromised by quantum computers or just banned by governments. Now it’s clear we’re at the end of a 30-40+ year era of relative peace; after seeing…
As human beings, the way we used to know ourselves is just a temporary state. There’s so much dirt and incompetency hidden inside most of us; the key to human nature is to overcome ourselves, to find and develop a better version. It all starts from newborns. You have to constantly learn and fight for…
Responsibility of obeying
Fascism, enslavement comes from both sides, not only from authoritarians but also from the blind who obey bearing serious hidden responsibility as well. It’s an essential to resist any abuse of power, while simultaneously refraining from abusing as well. Protect others’ freedom just as you would protect yours. Subordination is essential for improved team performance,…
Generated content / A Reflection on Quality in design / Perspectives
Overflow of ai generated junk everywhere today reminding me of what happened with typefaces when computers first arrived. You might remember that unprepared Arial and Comic Sans everywhere. But still, good quality typography is always in demand. It’s just not so crowded. Those who value quality keep going for it, while those content with cheap…
AI, art, artificial, crap, digital age, funkformation, garbage, generators, idiots, information, junk, Marketing, spam, trash, typography, ugliness -
Gradual phasing
From black always goes to gray or from negative to neutral before positive. Often is a mistake to binary see from sharp to sharp (although it can be useful in some ethical aspects or areas of will processing). There is always a gradual phase movement of anything, for better efficiency try to catch the realistic…
An amplifying force
The new era of information brings new challenges. Now that the internet has become a mass phenomenon, it acts as an amplifying force, intensifying polarization and energizing people across the globe. Some become smarter, while others become even more misguided; it’s like spreading a highly reactive acid on a substance—it starts reacting, evolving more rapidly…
Accept the chaos
Accept the chaos, let it work for you… but always balance it with a strong sense of reason and order.
There are countless password breaches today, and once hackers obtain your password, they will attempt to use it to access other services. Therefore, never reuse the same “memorable” password on any platform, even if the platform is large and seems reputable. A complex combination of multiple, highly secure passwords, along with a reliable password manager…
The Art of Improvisations and live playing
Most of my music comes from live recordings; just playing and record. Very rarely we I do screen composing. The arrangements are usually performed live too. Why? It’s boring! Big hits can be born in sharp concentrated gulps of hyper energy.
Biased Reporting
Almost all modern newspapers & media have lost the point and, as a result, the quality. Their duty is to find and present reality facts, but the try to push their own opinions, selling biased information under the guise of truth. Money and greed drive them toward impudent manipulations. Take any modern media outlet, and…
Gradient vision, percentages thinking
It’s absolutely not a fact that what you think might happen will happen; even if you’re very sure, it’s never 100%, maximum 98%. See everything in life as gradients and percentages = chances to happen. Not just as binary system like 1/0… Binary system is a nice abstraction for some basic space-time limited goals, but…
Operators of the mind
First track of newly released 1300p 6 – I played this melody with my fingers on a korg a few months ago… For me it’s a hypnotic tune. It’s not an arpeggio or a speed-up tune. I remember being surprised by how quickly my fingers moved. However, it wasn’t easy to find a matching bassline…