
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

  • Over-consumerism, poverty

    In well developed countries, poverty is not what one does not have, but what he lacks – his needs, his wishes, quite often- delusional passions.

    Value’s point of view.

    In dark times of modern’s world concentrated over-consumerism ideals, peoples rarely feels satisfied with the basics everyone actually needs, but rather continuously seeks more and more, that’s what I call post modern’s poverty – intellectual poverty.

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  • Denial

    An official, a policeman, a medical, a deputy, a president… A temporary function we delegated to serve us, the society. I know you can be a good fellow, but never try to enslave me, to obey, I’m always ready to kill and die for the freedom. You work for me, I work for you, only real cooperation matters.

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  • Intellect, ethics, talented but wrong directed people

    Various parts of the human brain are not necessarily interconnected.

    But it’s true that we can only call a truly good man a morally and correctly intelligent man, that is, a noble man. That’s primary. A well-trained brain in terms of aesthetics, technology, is nothing without proper ethics, moral course and nobility, it is like a powerful car with a bad driver. What I mean by correct moral course… let’s take the basics, the simplest and most understandable – do not harm others, do not lie, do not be greedy, be ready to die and go away any day.

    Nobility as “a noble character” or “displays nobility of spirit” not as someone’s family lineage or aristocratic background.

    There are deep minds with excellent skills or unique talents – but moral freaks and therefore doomed, I do not respect such people, even if they have created a lot of delicious. For me, the main thing is that a person should be honest, pointed for the truth… it’s good if he’s talented or gifted, but in general it’s no problem if he’s just an average.

    “Clever, noble, but not talented; talented, noble, but not clever; or, lastly, talented, clever, but not noble” – a quote from somewhere.

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  • Just for fun. Life = Game

    Never busting my ass for any work include this blog or my music or anything else in that matter. I just do it because I like it because I have time because it’s interesting for me. I don’t care what other people can think about that. It’s like a video game or something, just doing what I like. If it will became any really impossibly hard some day, I’ll just turn off the console, I’m free to do that too, the quality is everything.

    Random photo I took on a film camera, circa autumn 2019
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  • Never marry ideas

    Never “marry” ideas, even if you’ve invested a lot in them, we humans are very complex creatures and it’s normal to make mistakes sometimes.

    It’s better and easier to be open and say “I was wrong, OK, let’s move on, at least I learned something new” than to constantly destroy the path by those wrongly coordinated movements even if “you put so much efforts there” so that they became an artificial value to you.

    Also, don’t care what others think about your way – first of all, they care about their own personalities most of the time, secondly, why the heck should you mind what those heads think at all when you have your own detailed view to decide on; so, just be careful buying the double represented views of others, yeh? It’s a precarious thing to correlate your values and ideas with others, in most cases it leads to dispersion.

    Freedom is the fuel of good value creation, so – be there. Remember to guard against the delusional, enslaving thinking of the masses, it’s so often corrupted. Listening only to selected people can help – those who have proven by real results that they have good brains and honest morals (for example, those who’ve never been caught telling nontruth deliberately), but even they can be wrong…

    So, the critical thinking, open mindedness, openness to death, and not being afraid of someone saying you are wrong are the keys here.

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  • Boring diary

    Today I opened a new jar of berries and a new bottle of olive oil. Everyday I eat oatmeal with fruits and pasta with vegetables. I call these routine meals “jazz”, because I listen jazz everyday too.

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  • Too much noisy information today

    Today there is an overabundance of not important manipulative noisy information. In the past people were healthier about that – their tech was without unnecessary stupid steroids like today (closed source spying smartphones with preinstalled/undeletable junk) – mental and depressive diseases everywhere were much less common presented as we have got it today.

    Our brain is not a piece of rubber, and moreover, its not a trash bin to put every fucking politician or celebrity’s “intentions or ideas” there. There is too much useless and unhealthy information consumption habits today – from social networks, mass media, newspapers.

    Remember, these greedy journalists, these so called damn influences, they are just to manipulate and to sell your attention, nobody minds the quality or health there, in the pursuit of profit, savor every random pop around, or corruption; poor head full of shit of the people who consumes that…

    Personally, I’m on a diet and only open a couple of reliable websites once in a day or so. Email newsletters a day in a week is a good solution too. Also, proven quality people seems to be much better sources than a company, or, no-no-no, big corporations.


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  • The worst scenario

    Always be ready for the worst. Anyway there is nothing to fear, you will die some day.

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  • Aesthetic Reflections

    Aesthetic culture works and develops through infinite cycles of self reflection returning to what was good.

    Like a double filter that takes worthy thru time, call it, whatever, but not exactly like the ouroboros concept.

    Sometimes, significant eras shift due to technological/science changes, leaving behind only a little in terms of aesthetics. As a person from 2023, I find much of interest in the 1960-2000 timeframe, but very little in the 19 century, except perhaps some little in literature.

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  • Prisoners

    Are prisoners really so bad? Are they not just a part of us, a part of the whole tree of life?

    Could we have our own faults that these people are wasted? Greedy, closed, selfish, naive, conceited… that leads to toxicity that damages souls around us, and then we imprison them, but then later their children somehow get luck or power – the circle.

    In our archaic society we like barbarians tend to overestimate luck, believing in wrong illusions.

    And then those who got great luck by some chance start to act “superiority” to others, while we are all technically equal.

    On the other side, those who have more brain than average can not be gods, they just naturally do more work to help others.

    From a perspective view, there should be no prisons, don’t waste people, build a better open society, re-educate them or something. No prison, but maybe an open hospital to help those crazy brain damaged people.

    Most prisoners today are just a result of a wrong society. You got luxury, you got drugs (bit pharma and mafia lobbing, actually), you got corruption, you got money.

    Badly organized society highly increases amount of bad people.

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  • Stupid people with wrong programs inside, help them

    You can’t absolutely hate stupid people (e.g. those fucking idiots who support shitheads d.trump/putin etc), just like you can’t hate a wrongly prepared (e.g. with windows installed) laptop – a laptop itself is usually a good machine, masterpieces could be made on it, as well as those people’s brains are generally good… every human is a beautiful, complex creature, just a lot of wrong, corrupted information got inside to some of them… instead of hating, we better to find ways to be open, to correct them, to reinstall a proper quality programs to them.

    It’s so easy to hate and say things like “genetic junk dummies”, “evil”, but it’s also so inefficient and so wrong, I know it’s hard, but we can’t make enemies of each other, we have to find ways to stabilize rather than just destroy the relationships.

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  • No ostentation, but honest

    There is no need to constantly run to be the best – everyone is different.
    Striving for the quality, that is another story.

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  • Got this thing some days ago

    Natural tape magnetic distortion and that noise… nice. It was surprisingly well preserved for a thing from 1970s, almost like a new. It got a speaker and a microphone inside, good design overall; gonna give it a try for my own sampling/recording soon. Not as a main tool for tapes’ handling but rather as a distortion/re-distributive unit.

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  • False political concepts 2

    The concept of “power”, “authority” – very often it is misinterpreted and being abused by retarded over others – passive ones.

    It is wrong, you who abuse political influence, you just don’t understand the system of people, it is a complex relationship structure, it is not a herd of sheep to lead, it is always just the people delegated to you some functions in contract agreement for the convenience of today, do not exaggerate the importance of this, especially if you are a policeman or a government clerk.

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  • Events, not things

    The world is made up of events and chances, not things.
    You don’t really own anything.
    It’s just some events (often random).
    Groups of atoms came together this way, not that way.
    It’s all a flux.
    Everything will change.

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  • mittnetworkmusic: new Iksnx, other details

    New Iksnx album has been released. Downtempo Acid Tape, Vol. 1 by Iksnx In December 2023, when I was working on jazz albums and beats, among other things and I happened to have an interesting sketch, I added acid riffs to the downtempo groove… and then it was decided to make an album like this.…


  • New DAS

    Finally I found time to prepare and release the new long-waited DAS album I’ve been planning in my head for over 4 years or so… this is the real sound of DAS – very experimental. It consists of tracks made at very different times, some just recently, some a couple years old demos. DAS by…


  • New Album: dub feat. yoijerg

    dub meets yoijerg by dub meets yoijerg


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