Accidentally I found this track I totally forgot about, but I was surprised the bassline there is quite good and interesting, complex, not sure about mastering tho.
Accidentally I found this track I totally forgot about, but I was surprised the bassline there is quite good and interesting, complex, not sure about mastering tho.
Everything is beautiful if you look at it with love.
I think, that was not bad album in general, today I checked it on a sone speaker, sounds well, expect a couple of banal (in my opinion) tracks. I remember that album around end of summer in 2017, after relocating to a new city, very far away from the previous one.
Open Source in Capitalism? Free information is a big virtue and a mega important factor for our progress, obviously. But how to make a living out of it?..
Fuck today’s money system, those greedy, mad, overgrown corporations… kill them with fire.
Money is nothing but a temporary, archaic concept for energy distribution.
Open is better, information’s nature is to be free. Just imagine the internet would be a product from Google or Facebook, hell nightmare.
Universal Basic Income is the answer. Donations and folks’ support can be the factors to continue.
Absolutely no doubts virtual reality will take a huge, definitive role in the markets soon.
Humans just love illusions so much.
Humans’ reality.
Music is in any case defined as a product: being named, packaged, delivered, consumed.
North and South Korea – identical people, but what a huge difference in the quality of life there.
That’s everything you need to know about freedom and unfreedom, open and closed systems, democracy and communists. No more words.
Never judge people by race, see the organization of a system they placed in.
Let people be.
Spooky, but nice.
After many changes, I can finally say that it’s done, the new 2023 Big album for sleeping called “Harvest-23”. Initially it had a human on the cover, but then I found a better version of the design and corrected it.
Also, yesterday I released a new album as swhq – Simple/Blitz. I did careful mastering and it blasts quite well/balanced out of speakers, it’s always much harder to balance tracks for speakers than for headphones. Sadly, I miss that level of knowledge on some of my past work, for example some albums in 2018 as a.a.z.s..j. TBH, I would rename previous swhq album “What is that?…” as part of the BLITZ series, those all tracks I do very quickly (expect mastering), sometimes during the day I feel energy and realize it as those tracks.
After 199 albums it becomes harder to maintain originality and style of each new one but I keep focus on the quality at first, and yes I was able to found a new tone for that fresh swhq despite I already used some middle oranges before.
What is a fact of consciousness? The discernment nature it has, some states of mind always competing with others.
Sometimes a habit can overtake the will.
Anything tastes better when consumed in smaller, moderare amounts.
Remember, everything you’ve believed could be just some false statements. Even very deep and solid ones like gravity or concepts of morality (for example, honest).
Still, no problem, just be humble and assume it’s okay to be wrong sometimes, keep moving towards universal truth. You’re just a fruit on a big tree of life, nothing else.
What could be worse than a smug, arrogant ignoramus?
Fresh tech news:
Not surprised at all, the world is tired of China, the country is in danger. Neutralize China’s threat as soon as possible, better not to repeat that “Russian mistake” again – I mean weak reaction to authoritarianism.
Also, I’m tired of all that endless ‘Made In China’ junk we’ve got everywhere, I say no to all the fakes and over-consumersim too.
The rule of thumb for things is: buy it for life, buy best quality possible.
The entire essence of the Universe and life is to move to the next level: something new after this one; to master technologies and the quality for it, to form the greal progress. Problems, complexity, and mess serve as the backing mechanism for the movement
abstract Aesthetic aesthetics AI analysis art authority balance believes brain capitalism chaos cognition complexity Consciousness consumerism creativity critical thinking cultural code culture death Decentralization development emotions Essence ethics evil evolution Experience fascism feelings fools fortune freedom future general philosophy habits harmony human being ideas Illusions information internet Life logic luck market masses mass media mind minimalism Mistakes mittnetworkmusic money Mood morality morals motivation Music music creation My Life nature News noise open source optmay People perception perspectives Philosophy Philosophy of Life politics post-modern Power privacy progress psychology quality randomness reality reason reflections sense simplicity Society stoicism style suffering systems Tech Things time Trends truth understanding Universe values Wealth Will wisdom