Neuron is not transistor
“The main unit of a biological computer is a nerve cell, or neuron, which is internally very different from a (computer chip) transistor. Of course, the code through which neurons exchange information resembles the code based on a sequence of impulses used in digital computing machines, but an individual neuron is a much more sophisticated…
Cognition and experience
They say that the purest knowledge is empirical, that is, based on direct experience. But experience can be deceitful, e.g. optical illusions or logical experiments of dual interpretation. After all, understanding is the primary of the mind and of it’s director: the reason. A simple experiment: imagine the smartest man, the best mind system in…
Intellect, ethics, talented but wrong directed people
Various parts of the human brain are not necessarily interconnected. But it’s true that we can only call a truly good man a morally and correctly intelligent man, that is, a noble man. That’s primary. A well-trained brain in terms of aesthetics, technology, is nothing without proper ethics, moral course and nobility, it is like…