Information wars
Information wars… not as obvious as it seems, but dumb and stupid things work better for crowds, normals, underclasses; the paradox is that the bad (lying, aggressive, unfree) side often wins such stages – it is easier for them to lie, manipulate, twist, shuffle, shift information…. at a short distance it gives advantage, of course,…
Average consumerism
Here’s a quick thought experiment – I’m going to come to him with my [most famous burgers franchise] burger (assuming he doesn’t familiar with [most famous world burgers franchise]) and he’s obviously more likely to say like it’s bad food. And don’t forget that we’re not talking about smart sophisticated and honest people, but about…
Dark ages
Politics today is a middlemen’s zone, smart goes to art or science, mid-range minds go to politics mostly; typically – activists, cops, money-makers… you will rarely meet genius people there, but usually just some lucky mediocre. Don’t mind exceptions, of course. Sure that’s got reasons behind it, today’s politics seems to be a dull field…