The longest war in human history.
It is longest continuous war I see between stupid and smart, old primitive and new advanced, those who accept errors and moving forward and those who prefer disinformation and passive dev, backward. Prometheus and Epimetheus in some sense. There are tons of stupid but they are weak and there is little of smart but they…
Natural tendency to use a common product
People have a natural tendency (convenience) to use a single large product. A kind of basic natural monopolization. Just because sometimes it’s more convenient when everyone knows one thing, for example in communications. In this context, sometimes it is good not to overthink diversity, but to make that single product available to the majority, but…
Freedom vs. Control
Ah, but how skillfully the corporations managed to outsmart the people by taking away control over their own devices, all under the guise of so called ‘security.’ If androids can still be brought back to life, unlocked, and given rights, then iPhones are in a terrible state – but it’s not surprising, after all, Apple…
authoritarianism, capitalism, consumerism, Control, Corporate Influence, critical thinking, Digital Liberation, Digital Serfdom, ethics, freedom, human nature, Human Potential, Individual Rights, Libertarianism, Personal Empowerment, philosophical reflections, Power Dynamics, privacy, quality, security, Social Evolution, Social Justice, Technological Progress, technology, values -
Malicious elements of a system, cultural code elements
Dictators and authoritarianism, totalitarianism as well as excessive capitalism or even a concentrated ultimate socialism = damaged DNA of the cultural code of the cells of the colonies in leadership. Democratic models can heal such systems with the infusion of fresh minds. Values are key elements in the DNA chain of the cultural code of…
About Russia, authoritarian war, normal people and beyond (2.3.24 updated)
1 Blatant, ignorant, grossly incorrect position openly stating that putin’s war of 2022 (2014) is supposedly a war of the Russians and that they want it – utterly false, those who say so, very likely work for the putinist system or are simply stupid – such tricks are called “shifting responsibility to everyone”, and just…
Capitalism and socialism, what is better?
Capitalism, unlike socialism, in the context of money in general, is a much more natural system. You accumulate money or borrow money, and there you have capital, for example. (Money is essentially the equivalent of human time invested by will). But does this mean it’s good? Many natural things are wildly and disbalanced. Darwinism is…