Who wins
It is not the sophisticated intellectual who wins people, but more often those who are more lucky, those who managed to convince folks in a simple way The one who is more cunning and assertive, who is bolder, wins. Sophisticated mind is not a first thing to work with normal people. It’s great if he’s smart…
Wars rarely end with an absolute winner. All sides usually lose far more than they gain. Post industrial “homo sapiens” were not supposed for that, it’s a big step backwards, only weak places of complicated social mistakes lead there, usually it’s just about poor managed authority. Resort to physical fight only as a last measure…
Cultural code of gigantic nations
The cultural code of gigantic organizations tends to corrupt over time; a massive system gravitate to oppress people, loosing quality a lot. In a herd, you become lame. On a large scale, under weak minds, it’s unbalanced. Resistance can be costly for many. Crisis upon crisis; people to find truth among them.
Communications and fights
2 All people are complicated, always try to find your own specific approach with each person – directing not from yourself, but from the context and from the person, you will reach an agreement sooner and it will be better after all. 1 You can kill and slap a face and even be rewarded for…
Human being is the essence (edits)
It’s not the place that beautifies the man, it’s the man who beautifies the place. The same can be said of destiny. It’s not destiny that beautifies a man or a fortune, it’s the person who beautifies the destiny. If a person is nice, deep mind, handsome and interesting, truly open and humanistic, then even…
Look at unknown…
Look at unknown people with kindness and neutrality, like you would look at your future doctor. It is important for us to maintain peace and balance, ethics, aesthetics, decency… Until you see for sure that the person in front of you is an asshole, give him some trust, at least a little. But never fully…
Fool-proof protection in economy?
Democracy is a protection from too much power taken by a fool. Politically… But what is our moron-protection economically, socially? What defense is there against evil oversized corporations and their dumb managers? After all, random still rules the human staircase, and not the best people come to huge money and resources economically, but most often…
Dead End
“Do everything for money profit” is a flawed idea. Good products die from it. The capitalist system as we know it today is a failure and a dead end. Better to focus on high quality, simplicity and clarity, universal utility; the money will come by itself then… because what is money – an abstraction of…
Average consumerism
Here’s a quick thought experiment – I’m going to come to him with my [most famous burgers franchise] burger (assuming he doesn’t familiar with [most famous world burgers franchise]) and he’s obviously more likely to say like it’s bad food. And don’t forget that we’re not talking about smart sophisticated and honest people, but about…