Ways of chaos
Disasters and chaos are part of evolution. Always be prepared for the worst. Face bad calmly, and know how to accept as well. If something happens, it always happens with a cause, let it be. Bad things eventually would not be able to pass time’s test. Sometimes you just accept and move forward. Keep mind…
Filtered by time
Things from some age that you feel are still relevant, they are usually really better Everything new still has to pass the time test
Effortlessness is the key to good quality style. It’s not just about order and neatness, but also about feeling free and unburdened. Top quality always feels easy and simple. And it is, but remember the attempts, values, focus, and experience lying behind that. With that freedom of movement, you are getting up and through.
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It’s an illusion: “the more you get the more you get”; how about the processing itself? The best things are elegant and simple, well made, not always shallow or stingy – can be voluminous, large, but always stylish and nice, having their own essence, the depth. am da//jt by sx16 am da//jt by sx16 “sx16…
Groove is thing of life
With some exceptions, the groove is good only around living things (music, art, decor?), but, for example, in machines like a fan – on the metal grid, or other technical equipment (this light “wrongness,” “nonlinearity,” Dionysian touch) will feel kinda ridiculous. Why do we like that entropy effect in aesthetics? It’s natural, open, complex, like…
Events, not things
The world is made up of events and chances, not things.You don’t really own anything. It’s just some events (often random).Groups of atoms came together this way, not that way.It’s all a flux.Everything will change.