Cultural Code Determines Ways of Life
Just as DNA directs the essence of an object’s physical development, the cultural code with which an individual is programmed determines their destiny or the destiny of a whole group. A barbaric cultural code leads to decay and suffering. The brain can reprogram itself with other, better codes; a clean ‘freedom’ environment helps reprogram bad…
Contemporary jazz
Jazz can be not only vintage and classic (78rpm.archive.org collection, for example) but also purely modern (a radio stream link to check). Not jazzy beats, not barely listenable avant-garde, – real jazz as we used to get it, but modern. The first thing that comes to mind is a straight beat there, more solid, bright…
Creators, Be Aware
Artist, painter, musician… Your job is not only to create but also to suffer, to gain a perspective from all angles of existence, to tell the truths of life. A glamorous creator evokes a feeling of deep repugnance… as much as any money-grubbing idiot does; what can they truly tell the world, what benefits can…
Such activity as music does not necessarily mean the scope of market needs, often it is just a hobby, “a talk with god”, but it happens that people manipulate it to gain sales. Anyway, the market is just a representation of people’s needs. The monetary system as we have it today is evil and very…
Be ready to lose everything. Nothing physical truly belongs to us; it’s all just temporary rent. Only your mind and your time are yours
A new phenomenon of the “post-Internet” era – hypertrophied mass consciousness, mass psychosis, deliberately fueled hysteria
Dark ages
Politics today is a middlemen’s zone, smart goes to art or science, mid-range minds go to politics mostly; typically – activists, cops, money-makers… you will rarely meet genius people there, but usually just some lucky mediocre. Don’t mind exceptions, of course. Sure that’s got reasons behind it, today’s politics seems to be a dull field…
Сriticism tone
People who throw dirt criticism on everything are usually self-affirming… but it’s a bad tone, an unfaithful approach. Be beautiful and accurate, discuss/criticize carefully, clearly expressing understanding and openness to the other sides that may be unknown or misunderstood to you. Anything else, don’t blindly pour buckets of criticism, but try to understand the essence…
If I am tired
If I’m tired – I go for sleep or quality books, maybe a good wise blog or music, or a quiet walk, or a lunch of simple natural foods like vegetables and cereals, these are the things that really help. Especially sleep and rest, just lying down and doing nothing, – such a rest provides…
There is no justice by default, don’t wait for it, fight for the better today
There is no justice in the world and don’t try to wait for it, sometimes the worst scumbags get everything and the best people suffer, be prepared for the worst, be ready for the fight to get that justice by yourself, nature is not giving it as a served dish by default. And by the…
Do I really need to know that?
Some knowledge, while factually correct, is essentially useless. For example, do I really need to know all that wide range of small political facts? Some information is not needed. Of course it’s good to know everything, but what about the capacity of the receiver? Our memory and emotional battery ain’t infinitely elastic. That’s why I…
Good quality minimalism design only seems so be simple, the effort and time spent on it is sometimes is much more than they put on tricked and complex things out there.
The product of music, analysis. Hierarchy there as I see it
1) Melody and chords. The top and the highest thing to achieve is a melody, it is the best and most complex element, it directly influences our feelings. 2) Sound. The next and very close to the first is the sound, for example the type of a synthesizer or an instrument, and its characteristics, the…
Life is a fight
Let us have no illusions, war is close to the natural state of man, in other words – we all have to deal with bad, life is a state of fight, either you solve yourself and your own complexity, or world around you, you can get many random scenarios during your path. War, fight, it’s…
Today, “security” is a common popular form of deception. Be accurate updating your software, especially if it’s not open sourced – they can make it worse – they just want to sell more; greed rules today, not quality. Update only in a very rare case when you can see the list of changes. If it…
Who is coming
The big problem of the modern world is random and ignorant people getting huge money/authority. Oversaturation of power often makes them even worse. Not good educated, not morally correct, not best talented, but medium ones… Masses of banal people just follow their craziness silently later because most folks are just too lazy to inspect that…
Stupid word “AI” is everywhere today, it’s lame dumb, like all “trendy” stuff. Just a bad taste… Everyone will get sick of that buzz soon enough. We will get a good technology after some years, no doubts. I’m nice about that, just tired of the nonsense masses’ fears and marketing hysteria.
Just music… not jazz, not lounge, but something old and nice
An interesting piece of vintage I stumbled upon recently. Not quite easy mark it with any well known genres. I’d call it something like vintage lounge, but rhythmic parts ain’t so visible there to be considered so. 1946 / USA
What’s ahead? The unknown. Don’t try to predict, you can’t. Just do what you have to do, be truthful, honest, and let it be. In the end, you’ll die anyway, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, take it easy.
Lo-Fi, representation, post-perception
Contemporary culture is over-saturated with crystallized images: they talk and sell the idea of realism as a supposedly surefire sales stimulant. Lo-fi, on the other side, lets the imagination play out better. More interesting it is, to a certain extent. In general, art, imagination, fuel of passion, even sex drive, is delicious and interesting to…
Over-consumerism, poverty
In well developed countries, poverty is not what one does not have, but what he lacks – his needs, his wishes, quite often- delusional passions. Value’s point of view. In dark times of modern’s world concentrated over-consumerism ideals, peoples rarely feels satisfied with the basics everyone actually needs, but rather continuously seeks more and more,…