Sometimes losing and making mistakes is totally normal and acceptable
It’s okay to lose sometimes and all that. Making mistakes is also normal. I’ve seen many people “marry their beliefs” and stubbornly stick to their foolishness until the end… But who are we, just human beings. Experience has repeatedly shown that it’s better and more effective to accept the nature of our imperfections – but…
On tastes in music
Music is subjective. What you may like, others may not. There is simply no bad music except that which is made without inspiration (for commercial gain or the pseudo-values of celebrity vanity) or without professionalism and a focus on high quality (even amateur creations are better when crafted with real originality, balanced mixes, and good…
Space of the Contemporary
The span of modern and contemporary for me is a period of 30 years or so, the beginning of a new era of the internet at least – if not of electronics in general… not the last five or three years. I prefer to see that wider. If you focus on the last or very…
Groove is about live
With some exceptions, the groove is good only around living things (music, art, decor?), but, for example, in machines like a fan – on the metal grid, or other technical equipment (this light “wrongness,” “nonlinearity,” Dionysian touch) will feel kinda ridiculous. Why do we like that entropy effect in aesthetics? It’s natural, open, complex, like…
Information tends to spread freely
Information tends to spread freely like steam or gas in space, so trying to limit it (like selling air) has no perspective and generally useless. Jobs like scientists, artists, journalists, etc, better to be openly funded by society rather than hardly pushing them for getting income like we see in this weak and fragile model…
The horizon
The horizon of events in the world… It’s as if we can’t see, as if we were moving on a ball, we can’t clearly see what will be and what was behind… All blue and obscurity. As it is, so it is. Do what you have to do and let it be, сome what may.…
Is randomness the same as unpredictability?
Is randomness the same as unpredictability? No, randomness is an inherent mechanism of redistribution within the essence of the universe, while unpredictability is our natural ability to perceive it. Unpredictability may not even be related to randomness if the experiencing subject possesses the necessary information.
The role of the state should be minimal; a decentralized system of local self-governance is better than a huge centralized bureaucratic machine. The world or a country doesn’t need a ruler because it’s not a mechanism that requires management but a complex system that should govern itself. In the same context, freedom is necessary –…
Extrapolation of noise, disruptive information pollution
The total noise pollution of the information space is a significant problem of the modern era, and it is increasing… and even more with the new influx of pseudo-artificial intelligence. The environment is polluted by people are either foolish and tasteless, or weak and greedy, perverted, they literally defecating everything around – the internet, concepts,…
The most appropriate reaction…
The most appropriate reaction to 80+ percent of life situations is calmness and/or indifference, especially on complex levels. There are emotions that are right, strong, necessary, high-quality – like energy properly filtered by reason. But there are cheap, unrefined emotions that cause a lot of problems. Especially avoid actions caused by resentment. One of my…
It doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter what uninformed average person thinks, and here’s a quick thought experiment – I’m going to come to him with my [most famous burgers franchise] burger (assuming he doesn’t familiar with [most famous world burgers franchise]) and he’s obviously more likely to humiliate me like it’s crap food. And don’t forget that we’re…
“In our world, doing nothing is not empty; it already has meaning”
“In the 1930s, Brecht shocked the guests of a New York party by declaring of the accused at the Moscow show trials: “The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to be shot “6. This statement should be taken quite seriously, not as some kind of perverse impertinence; its basic premise is that in…
Conspiracy theorists
It’s always better to doubt and ask questions. We are quite limited creatures to really know all the reasons, and our mind often creates a lot of illusions for us too. So it’s just safer to have a critical mind, a factor of survival.I used to think it was a little dangerous to recommend something…
Aesthetic fields, concept
Whether subject wants to or not, it always functions and translates a code of aesthetic and ethic fields. Usually already charged with the energy of other fields. The energy finds, regenerates and transmit itself in the code. Fields have boundaries of intersections and audience-subjects of the field – for example, the stylistics of y2k, hairy…
Roots of theories
Theory unfolds after recognizing a linear time-space pattern in things we’ve got. A systematic time-space design reveliation.