
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

  • Subjects and essense of cultural code

    At the root, at the core, each person is unique.
    On top, however, it is superficially covered with a cultural code… like a set of clothes, a garment, it reflects many of the movements and character of the individual, the garment is most often what is given, but sometimes it is what the individual chooses.
    A complex mixture of cultural codes is possible. Rotten elements might be present within, as well as magical mutations. It’s akin to the DNA but in the information world of humans.
    The erasure or correction of a code in its entirety or nuance is possible too. The code applies to societies, the groups that carry the code.
    It is all information and pieces of reflected, partly post factum mutated reality.

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  • Sentiment Ressentiment

    An eternal engine of social development, the strong-smart are few… the weak are many, sometimes smart wins, sometimes weak masses wins.
    The weak, the masses, they pull their morality in different ways. For example post 1999 Russia and their dictator himself, it is clearly an entity of the weak, the ressentiment class – their morals and actions lack the true desire to real power, to surpass in real… but only to prolong the comfort position, to make slaves of others.
    Reasons, motives, expediency of actions – these are the areas where this viscous meta-driver code of personality can be discerned.
    I would add: the morality of slaves – it is a thought without perspective.
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  • What is Logic

    Logic is symmetry of ideas or concepts; abstract roots, deep essence, like the numbers.
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  • There’s no such thing as absolute freedom

    There’s no such thing as absolute freedom.

    It’s always more about the wisdom of limitations.

    Just like about a leader, a tyrant is only bad when he’s stupid and untalented.

    Forceful promotion of good ideas, even if sacrifices have to be made, is always well received by people lately.

    In short, the main thing is the idea, reasoning and strength, where it leads. Ideas of total freedom and democracy are illusory – most often such things end up in banal mess. We still need to filter out the most talented individuals for the roles of political leaders, not mediocre financiers, commercial heads (used to lie to sell), or even cops.

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  • New Album: dub feat. yoijerg

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  • A version

    I made a remix of an old Ethiopian track from my audio cassettes archive.

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  • Philosophy is a metaprogramming

    Philosophy is a metaprogramming of the director’s block – of the i, the reason.

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  • Heading in that direction? Uh, fantasy.

    We’ll end up with two mega corporations, the whole world.
    And a few independent ones.
    Many hundreds of years from now.
    States ‘n countries in the form as we know them today are just a temporary phenomenon in the span of long time society’s evolution- obviously, the structures of organization of systems of societies as we see them today are not perfect, not stable. Most states are corrupt, weak. As the peak of those, The United Nations – it’s a crap, just a shameless shitshow of nothing.

    Under the current value system, buy up everyone and everything, plus artificial intelligence to dumb down the crowd…


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  • I used to read The Guardian but it has turned out to be yucky

    I used to read The Guardian. I wasn’t a fanatic, but I would open it regularly, sometimes every other day, sometimes every day, for 5-10 minutes.

    Seemed to be one of the few more or less balanced mainstream media, didn’t use the greedies’ stupidest invention – pay wall. The information was relatively independent.

    But today I can see clearly – it’s bad “can’t think the perspective” newspaper. World became too complex for them. The agenda they’re pushing, the kind of information… too biased and weak-reasoned.

    They publish what’s profitable, what’s not dangerous. They don’t seek the truth and – most importantly – the good. They simply write “from the crowd” – essentially there is no nobility there, it’s “a slave ethics” newspaper. I mean Slave-Master in terms of Nietzsche’s Master–Slave morality concept (see Wikipedia for more information)

    And remember, I am talking about a relatively good, established, respectable medium. One of the best in the business.

    There are different gradations of decadence. For example, I’m not even talking about the North Korean, Russian official, or Iranian media – which is one of the worst sources of information you could ever see. Total lies, twisting and manipulation of information, loud-shouting, don’t-ask-don’t-ask hysteria, etc.

    What’s key to say here. The Guardian has softened under the “morality of slaves” – lost the real beacon and become false, no independent strong opinion, just whining to the crowd or big bosses, again – money…

    In the case Israel-Hamas and what agenda Guardian is pushing, it is clearly visible, wrong ethics overpowered the noble one.

    So I stopped reading it anymore, I’m tired of them putting dishonestly rewritten stuff on the front page every day, and what’s funny, they’ve hidden Ukraine from the front page at all. All those endless pictures of hamas being hit and suffering… yes, war is hard, sometimes innocent suffers, but who started it… The Guardian as well as good amount of well established western sources are obviously biased today, not honorable, sometimes stupid; it’s called giving up to barbarians. A real noble, strong and smart will always come out to fight for the good, for the perspective progress; because it is self-defining values. And only master ethics will survive, – because their independence, will-to-truth and passion to deep education can see real values and way, not that big hysteria oil-money funds masses. The Guardians no longer seek and define true values as I can see it for today (after lots and various deeps checks) – they seem to be only a tool in the hands of average minds/wills.

    You ask me a question – what to read, what to watch, whom to believe? This is not an easy question, but I will try to answer it briefly… Today there is a lot of bad information, the Internet is one big dump actually, but there are some good things on it, but only about 20%. Remember the formula 80% to 20%, it works… sometimes stupid wins by mass, sometimes smart wins, it’s the mechanics of society on a large scale. Sometimes stupid people become smart or vice versa… it’s a flow, but the state is constant. I’d read anti-fragile individuals who got nothing to loose, or small decentralized organizations with proven reputation. We immediately cut off here the big media and corporations- they are no longer trustworthy – we still (rarely) open them, but we don’t believe them anymore, they have ruined their reputation, for real – clearly visible of decaying today under the pressure of mass psychosis, mass ignorance, slave morality, overgrown not-quality-but-money-only-focused structures…

    What you need to look for today are smart, independent, individual speakers, or small-sized medias. There’s truth and fearlessness there. I am not going to give any recommendations at the moment. However, I should note that you cannot ignore the Internet, you still need to look at public places sometimes – there is stench, rottenness, and weakness, insanity – this is reality and you need to know it.

    These are dark times today, change is coming. Life itself ain’t stupid, anything stupid in it will disappear over time, don’t worry.

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  • Amplification of the new

    I’ve recently made a small invention for myself, a method to improve the originality of melodies. When I create music or melodies I just play notes on the music keyboard to find perfection, it’s not about drawing on paper like in the past. I record them, look for the right combination and then edit.

    So one of the ways today to improve the originality of a piece of art, either music or anything else, as you realized first of all I’m talking about music or art, – is the way of varying the spontaneity of movement during the creation process. It doesn’t have to be the hand, it can be a technical device or whatever.

    You have to try to make a new, original movement, a sudden leap in an unusual place, or a stretch where you wouldn’t expect it. A leap, a discontinuity or stretch, a variation in the temporal. It is, after all, the flow of time.

    Apparently, something similar to randomization of context in creation is also done by nature – for example, mutations in DNA are a spontaneous factor, the factor of randomness, shuffling and over-shuffling is present.


    One asks why seek originality… The fact is that real art is always a search for the new. Otherwise it is not art, but a craft, a sub-service.

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  • Symmetry in aesthetics

    Why are rhymes appealing? It’s their symmetry. Symmetry is profound, similar to number and math, and it’s present in all aspects of the universe, from subatomic to macro cosmic.

    In human existence and creativity, the preference is typically around 80/20 in favor of order and symmetry. However, a small element of chaos exists within us, which is crucial for maintaining a balanced aesthetic.

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  • About my work ethics

    You might know I usually publish an album per month and a post per day. It’s not that hard; I don’t rush myself, I just follow properly established habits for things I like to do.

    In the morning before breakfast, I work as hyperfocus; after breakfast, I work as mittnetworkmusic. After lunch I maintain “office” work like socials or communication, it’s about the store, preparing goods for it (preparing audio tapes, t-shirts, art), about people and connections, money, and various administrative/home/routine tasks. Sport, good quality books and healthy fruits/vegetables allowed any time. At evenings I usually play video games or watching movies. I turn on internet only for “office time” like a couple of course in midday, turn it off other time – too much noise there. I try not to think about work when I’m not around my work space physically.

    From time to time I can miss a day or something, but I do not put much pressure on myself about that. It’s OK to miss the target sometimes. But a general flow must be established. Understanding habits is a must.

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  • Analysis of a political structure: arguments

    Some arguments and dialectics about Russia.

    A. Russia is a normal country… after the dictator, it will be free.

    B. But it has became fascist, which is rare. The dictator is a one-time event, no ideology behind that, but how about to question about who was before… So it’s not quite normal. The problem of Russia is not the people as people but the cultural code of the state, this code between people… Cannibalistic essence. The passivity of the political position is the root of the cultural code… growing. Collapse? A complex question. Hard re-education, more like. Distorted concepts of power, non balanced over-saturated ideas of greatness, domination, emptiness, dehumanization, alienation, backwardness, and confusion between west and east. Resentiment after cold war chaos.

    Nevertheless, looking at the root, it is evident that the people in Russia are European, not aggressive. After dismantling the existing destructive regime, everything can improve.

    However, the ideas of the Russian state from its very beginnings of the Moscow Principality, its victory over the proto-democracy of Novgorod, prolonged internal slavery (serfdom), the victory of bandit-tyrants after the collapse of the monarchy, un-lustrated Hitler – that is, Stalin, the extent of emptiness… Such ideas from the culture of society must be corrected in the most detailed manner to avoid the decay of the essence.

    Everything similar leads to one thing – Russia will not be the same. Would small republics rise against Moscow and lawlessness – that’s another question, sooner or later. But if the state itself will become real federation, like USA, then republics may consider to remain. Either if this essence is left to rot for a long time with the support of neighbors, or it will collapse, or be very strongly modified.

    Most often, the scenario is slow and boring.

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  • Things of good quality that last long

    Things of good quality that last long are much better for emotions and environment and other better saving than buying a new top smartphone each year. Personally, I use some vintage old tech just because it works well; why hurry with upgrades and overconsumption, just why.

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  • Ideas in vacuum

    In a vacuum, any object tends to continue doing what it’s doing. By acquiring mass, a particle… Ideas are the reflection of mass information or?

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  • It is what it is

    I often get questions like why I don’t use Twitter for my short texts. Answer is simple: it’s a poor-quality platform and a waste of time. If I’m not directly involved in a war (tho always ready if you touch my space…), I avoid visiting places poisoned by the weak, and Twitter feels like one…


  • An announce

    I’ve completed several new albums, and they’re just waiting for me to finalize the artwork, upload the tracks, and do the final trimming. Here’s a brief overview: I hope to find enough time in the coming weeks and months to release all of these. In the past, I didn’t have such a queue of unreleased…


  • 🎉Anniversary compilations of the best tracks now available ✨

    Finally, after many months of preparation, I’ve released three monumental albums/compilations of the best tracks I’ve ever made, in the three main spectrums of music: high-tempo, low-tempo, and no-tempo. Initially the album names and covers included the years 2010-2023, but then I changed my mind and decided to let these albums be “live-periodically-updated”, so I’ll…


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