• Refinement

    Good quality resides in the absence of the unnecessary.

    Comments: Refinement
  • Focus on reality

    More experience and observation of facts, not theories, opinions, or hopes.

    Comments: Focus on reality
  • Don’t hate

    Stay neutral and as cold as possible; let excess energy only go in positive directions. Never start a fight—only fight back for protection.

    Be critical and seek facts and truth, not rumors or opinions

    Remember, they intentionally fill people with hate because hateful people are easier to manipulate.

    When you hate, you lose control, it destroys you.

    It isn’t worth it. A good technique: remember “you become weaker when you hate”, and “true evil is rare”; often it’s more about world’s complexity and presence of corrupted cultural code among people.

    Real power is flexible and silent.

    Comments: Don’t hate
  • Honesty Leads to Goodness

    Honesty is needed to achieve something truly good.

    Otherwise, how can you admit to yourself that you were wrong or made mistakes in order to grow? Improvement always involves growth.

    No matter how much something may dazzle you, if its essence is dishonest—prone to lying and self-deception—then its potential for good is low, and its future is limited.

    Honesty opens the way for growth and true mental flexibility.

    A lack of honesty and focus on truth can ruin even naturally talented minds.

    Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes, to see the unpleasant parts. That way, you can fix them and improve yourself.

    And keep it simple.

    Comments: Honesty Leads to Goodness
  • Cultural code of gigantic nations

    The cultural code of gigantic organizations tends to corrupt over time; a massive system gravitate to oppress people, loosing quality a lot. In a herd, you become lame.

    On a large scale, under weak minds, it’s unbalanced. Resistance can be costly for many.

    Crisis upon crisis; people to find truth among them.

    Comments: Cultural code of gigantic nations
  • Big data; mind processing

    With all the new technologies—starting from electricity to advanced encoding techniques—we now have access to vast amounts of information.

    However, this information does not yet constitute knowledge (which is tested experience that can be repeated and valued for human or natural growth) nor feeling (a pathway to knowledge and meaningful experience, such as through art).

    To achieve these, all this data must still be processed at a high level within the human mind.

    In this century, the key to success in science and business lies in inventing and predicting ways to efficiently process and manage the big data generated by globalization and technology. This massive amount of information can lead to valuable solutions if one can navigate it effectively.

    The trick, however, is not to become a computer as they taught as previous but to actualize human thing.

    Anything a computer can learn to do, a computer will do. But still human selects, human consumes.

    Comments: Big data; mind processing
  • Artificial money

    A custom passage from a random book I stumbled upon recently:

    ”The transition of power from locally organized production to global financial capital has been occurring for quite some time, but recent events have accelerated and intensified this phenomenon.

    Digitalization did not directly ensure globalization, but it certainly did not hinder it, and one of the side effects of this process is the trend toward polarization, both in terms of individual incomes and market monopolies.

    For most of modern history, about two-thirds of the money earned in developed countries has generally been paid in the form of wages.

    The remaining third consists of interest, dividends, or other forms of rent received by capital owners. Since 2000, the amount paid to capital has significantly increased, while the share of wages has decreased, meaning that the real wages of most people have either remained the same or even decreased”

    Comments: Artificial money
  • Scale

    Alternative forms of societal organization, such as decentralized, small interconnected groups will emerge.

    Capitalism, a fuel for concentration of power, is temporary, will be reformed in future too.

    Normal people usually are just tired and going lazy crazy;

    The scale, that is the problem… anything overgrown concentrated can be bad, overgrown big bad to be avoided in future times.

    Comments: Scale
  • Universal income

    Universal income will appear most likely only when the number of unemployed will be really high, when all this automation and everything else will be everywhere.

    Tech challenges society, hard but for better.

    Comments: Universal income
  • Progress

    Progress is not always straightforward, don’t blindly believe in anything new, neomania often leads to nothing but noise.

    Simple, stable, practical things win. Observe critically. Progress is resilience, not speed.

    Over time, only robust solutions will endure, as complexity fades away.

    Comments: Progress
  • What Money Can’t Fix

    I just randomly hit my elbow hard

    No money in the whole world would save me from this

    And from much more

    But the right wise view of the world could at least save my soul

    Life goes on…

    Comments: What Money Can’t Fix
  • effortlessness

    Effortlessness is the key to good quality style. It’s not just about order and neatness, but also about feeling free and unburdened.

    Top quality always feels easy and simple. And it is, but remember the attempts, values, focus, and experience lying behind that.

    With that freedom of movement, you are getting up and through.

    Comments: effortlessness
  • Stable priority

    A balanced, intelligent mind can handle almost any challenge effectively, but it needs time to adjust.

    A collaboration between such minds is even more beneficial.

    To allocate energy well, focus on intellectual and humanistic aspects, use these as a foundation to apply open-minded, critical thinking.
    Everything will turn out well then.

    End-road values like cults of power or money lead to disaster.

    But don’t be blind about evil, fight against it actively.

    Comments: Stable priority
  • Joy in an essential thing

    The key to success is to find an easy approach and enjoy the process. Restrictions and forcing only work for a limited time frame. 

    How to read more books: If a book is too boring, take another one. 

    Find something good in whatever you do,  it’s a right to joy, otherwise no flow, no signal 

    Comments: Joy in an essential thing
  • Bitcoin

    I like the idea of Bitcoin (banks and money are hell things) but it’s too idealistic for our current, still quite savage world stage.

    Someday, it’s likely to be compromised by quantum computers or just banned by governments.

    Now it’s clear we’re at the end of a 30-40+ year era of relative peace; after seeing how easily some dictators can enslave the masses, all countries are likely to put more effort into restrictions, weapons, and security.

    Comments: Bitcoin
  • Overcome

    As human beings, the way we used to know ourselves is just a temporary state.

    There’s so much dirt and incompetency hidden inside most of us; the key to human nature is to overcome ourselves, to find and develop a better version.

    It all starts from newborns. You have to constantly learn and fight for new horizons; that’s obviously very natural, and when it’s natural, you’re naturally happy.

    By nature we programmed to overcome ourselves with hard work on quality.

    Comments: Overcome
  • Music delivery

    Music is always a mood for something, a packed will, filled with emotions, ideas and meaning.

    Comments: Music delivery
  • Assumptions

    Regarding various social relationships, whenever something happens and you’re uncertain whether it was positive or negative, it’s better to assume it was positive—or at least take it neutrally.

    Don’t waste energy trying to understand other people’s actions. Pure evil is rare—most of the time, people are simply focused on themselves or are drowning in the complexity of the world’s labyrinth.

    Comments: Assumptions
  • Responsibility of obeying

    Fascism, enslavement comes from both sides, not only from authoritarians but also from the blind who obey bearing serious hidden responsibility as well.

    It’s an essential to resist any abuse of power, while simultaneously refraining from abusing as well. Protect others’ freedom just as you would protect yours.

    Subordination is essential for improved team performance, but considering humanity’s advanced state, it’s time to reconsider the concepts of “nation” and “leader” to de-centralize and decentralize. Cooperation among high-level minds has reached a new level, surpassing what was possible in previous ages.

    Comments: Responsibility of obeying
  • Generated content / A Reflection on Quality in design / Perspectives

    Overflow of ai generated junk everywhere today reminding me of what happened with typefaces when computers first arrived.

    You might remember that unprepared Arial and Comic Sans everywhere.

    But still, good quality typography is always in demand. It’s just not so crowded. Those who value quality keep going for it, while those content with cheap work continue to choose it.

    You always pay a price when you go cheap, and tho circumstances can vary, no good perspectives open with a low quality product.

    We’re already seeing junk AI-generated spam everywhere all over the place, and it’s no surprise—you’ve probably noticed low-quality visuals and sounds and code products out there, but now it’s getting even worse.

    I hope we wouldn’t kill the internet with tons of shit like bacterias kill themselves with their own defecation in a petri dish experiment,

    Let them be ugly. Time and value-compass will sort out all the garbage. If you want great, high-quality work, you can still get it.

    Whoever is fine with low-quality junk will take it anyway. But those who care about quality will always pursue it.

    In these fields, nothing works better than a well-trained, strong-willed genius men – and if that genius smartly uses some of those pretty well trained big data models, that’s gonna be fun.

    I appreciate any tech despite it can be challenging, anyway we human must overcome ourselves – challenges for us is like swimming for a fish. You take it, you accept it, but the key is to focus on the quality, on universal usefulness.

    And don’t be too much enthusiastic, critical thinking should be applied. There are some problems in reception of any of these new big tech today such as mass-hysteria boosted by the monopolized internet spaces as well as corporations trying to sell you their crap. Time will tell. Neutral position works well here. Focus on humanism always comes with nice results meanwhile capitalism can be wrong sometimes blindly hunting for the money and growth, loosing the real senses of our existence.

    Comments: Generated content / A Reflection on Quality in design / Perspectives
  • Smart mix of socialism and capitalism is the best way

    The most important thing is to develop and advance the progress – economy, products, culture… that is what life is for – to give the better future. Quality, experience…

    Economics on a scale, products… everything really, devices, tires for cars, good music albums, any good products of technology, art, science, any industry will be well developed only in freedom, law and privacy so creator can be well motivated when he knows law can protect his creatures, his family, and therefore he can take advantage and try new things. (non-free countries always have a limit for real progress)

    Otherwise he is not motivated, so the basis of capitalism as we know it – the property.

    But on a large scale we meet unbalanced capitalism… blind greed for accumulation, for money.

    Monetary system can be a problem; as well as idiots in power.

    Many factors lead to various corrosions of such systems.

    Some socialist practices, like universal basic income, free medicine and education, and democracy, help balance it out.

    Such mix works best for a good progress, happy life of society.

    Highest values are entrepreneurs and their creating various small medium big products and protecting and balancing other who are going to develop, by socialism elements.

    Comments: Smart mix of socialism and capitalism is the best way
  • Consciousness as stream

    Metaphor of consciousness as stream… deep streams, streams give births, depth of streams, noisy dirty small streams, merging streams (teams)… leading roles. The whole thing itself moving – the universe simulation fluids, also: sub streams.

    Comments: Consciousness as stream
  • Gradual phasing

    From black always goes to gray or from negative to neutral before positive.

    Often is a mistake to binary see from sharp to sharp (although it can be useful in some ethical aspects or areas of will processing).

    There is always a gradual phase movement of anything, for better efficiency try to catch the realistic mid step not straight to the final point.

    Comments: Gradual phasing