“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
Unfortunately seems to be too idealistic. How about will, motivation, stimulus? The complexity, the variety. I think, let it be, and let it filter out itself.
“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
Unfortunately seems to be too idealistic. How about will, motivation, stimulus? The complexity, the variety. I think, let it be, and let it filter out itself.
The brain at the conscious level decides to be positive even if it is not deeply logical and sometimes even worse. that is why there are many false choices.
However, the optimal strategy in most issues, strange as it may seem, is neutrality. Not passivity, but active and cognitive, but recognizing its belonging to the general flow of the particle. And recognizing its possibility and inevitability to make mistakes.
Better have a bowl for dissolving various negativity; its like an emotional social hygene, you try to keep yourself clean… “I just don’t care” is the easiest way to make it work. Really, why should the inner essence of self be damaged by various random illusionary ideas. But high level thinking required.
As a healthy person, you also usually have a safe place to get quick gulps of energy stimulating like a cup of tea or a hobby game…
The free can exist as an inseparable fact from the archaeology of the quotidian world, the non-locality of consciousness determines the width of interaction.
And randomness is extremely important for the world as forces, motion, and substance.
Randomness can be reduced and pure – most of our everyday life cases and so on are only the complexity of observation.
New music is always about advancing the discovery; we are always seeking a new form. It should not be always perfect.
This is good – a new form, an interest and development… Every stage involves movement. In essence, movement is the core of the universe. Who said there was only one creator – there were two creators, Order and Chaos, black and white – opposites; the movement of the spiral of opposites propels itself forward.
We are to create new music, more new things, like art that either creates something new or understands, and it is also a universal human process, noble in essence.
(Every twist of the spiral is its natural path of development, and like the flow of a river, wherever it flows, there you guide it further, where better or worse is irrelevant to the flow itself)
As if you were playing game with a friend. (A human being is noble, with a natural right to strive for excellence and quality);
Aesthetics always serve itself a compass for something new.
It’s a game, a game not necessarily for something specific or a goal… even if luck isn’t there essentially life is still favorable if looked at from the side – live and enjoy life, it doesn’t last long…
There has to be an outline of a presented style, otherwise it’s hard to catch on (ideas, shops, products).
Mind works, after all, style is an idea, organized in the form of an aesthetic object when. Completeness, insulation of ideas, their spatial occlusion is a separation of concepts, even the meaning of omptiness is in some sense framed.
Let time pass… Sometimes it’s better not to do a thing or to think.
Consciousness determines being, just as being can determine consciousness.
But if consciousness is strong, qualitative, intelligent and willful, it determines reality in a great process.
But the world is very complex and complicated and sometimes there are different mishaps and exceptions.
In general it’s all interchangeable – because it’s unified.
People eat at the famous fastfood chain not because it’s delicious or cheap, but simply because they know it.
People don’t just get into pop music because it’s great, they get into pop music because they know it.
It’s the same with the biggest and worst operating system there and socials networks.
And actually everything basic. Developing taste and discovering things takes lots of efforts, by nature people are lazy, just take the most nearest.
It’s a living phenomenon of dissipation of entities that goes as deep as gravity.
And so much good goes to waste.
For a name, it’s a fight not only for the quality, but also for the attention. The sales and wealth of a strong brand is only 30% quality product, the rest is reputation, people believing in it, recognizability, awareness, and behind all it – luck…
Everything has a cause, a reason, and a meaning, a purpose. The purpose is in the reason.
The awesome prefer it cool because they’re already hot enough inside.
Yet sometimes you can heat it up even more.
Simply to listen to, watch, and derive pleasure from, to understand something, to internalise the author’s experience—this is the primary universal benefit of music, films, paintings, games—bringing aesthetic and intellectual pleasure, an act of understanding connected aesthetically and ethically, a discovery, emotionally healing, supporting, nourishing the soul and mind.
Yet for example glamour celebrity or romanticized crime or ultra-noise of incomprehensible hipsters, obscure overcomplexity directed pseudo-philosophies—may only carry partial value to its creators or superficial benefit to consumers: self-expression or a way to showcase oneself. Yes, for example, dark rotten criminal or flashy glamour can be aesthetically appealing, but is the trick there, and if it achieves that and brings pleasure, seems all good. But it’s only a part of the value stack. What perspective does such offer? A very short one. Sharing experiences… the complex human fate encounters different shades of sadness and hardship, or mega sweet and lucky, who knows. Aesthetic shades and geometry of the soul vary. But it’s one thing when it’s done sincerely and for the sake of pure interest in creating something beautiful and usefull, it’s another when it’s placed on the conveyor belt of commerce.
Interesting specimens can be found in both places, but overall, aligning artistic orientation with finances is destructive and disorienting in its essence because the primary aspect of art is the expression of independent energy in the freedom areas of high intellegency. If creators successfully converge on expressing energy and experience and also hit upon a commercial vein, finding a direct stream of consumer people, it happens, and it’s just a mid term fortunate coincidence. But in the context of values, artificals feelings devoid of worth.
Or rather, perhaps it should be this way, so there is good and bad, repulsive and sweet, in every way, so that all facets of experience are revealed, the essential flow of diverse mutually exclusive and therefore driving themself experiences.
That which is not universal cannot be considered true value. For instance, the policies of populism and fascism may sound grand and loud to the masses, but fundamentally, they only benefit the ruling class rather than society and its overall development. Therefore, the claims of value by such systems are illusory and hollow. Without logically universal values, the prospect of existence is doomed.
Find a time to do that, your daily portion, when you do it. Develop a ritual or a habit. Discover or invent a joy in it. Any potential can be mastered then. The brain is flexible.
One is cursed if he believes what he wants to believe. A subject must do his best to see and find the real truth as it is, and to accept it and act upon the facts, and not upon the illusions of the comfort of the mutated facts with which the brain constantly tries to soothe itself.
abstract Aesthetic aesthetics AI analysis art authority balance believes brain capitalism Chances chaos cognition complexity Consciousness consumerism creativity critical thinking cultural code culture death Decentralization development emotions Essence ethics evil evolution Experience fascism feelings fortune freedom future general philosophy growth human being human nature ideas idiots Illusions information internet Life logic luck market masses mind minimalism Mistakes mittnetworkmusic money morality motivation Music My Life nature noise open source optmay People perception personal growth personality perspectives Philosophy Philosophy of Life politics post-modern Power privacy progress psychology quality random randomness reality reason reflections sense simplicity Society space stoicism style suffering systems Tech Things thoughts time Trends truth understanding Universe values Will wisdom