Creation, contemplation, consumerism, possession
True happiness is not about having things, but about making/giving them; when you giving, you kind of already got some… Wanting to have a lot usually comes from feeling like you’re missing out on something. Being overly focused on having things will make you bitter. Creation surpasses possession because it, to a certain extent, encompasses…
Average consumerism
Here’s a quick thought experiment – I’m going to come to him with my [most famous burgers franchise] burger (assuming he doesn’t familiar with [most famous world burgers franchise]) and he’s obviously more likely to say like it’s bad food. And don’t forget that we’re not talking about smart sophisticated and honest people, but about…
Over-consumerism, poverty
In well developed countries, poverty is not what one does not have, but what he lacks – his needs, his wishes, quite often- delusional passions. Value’s point of view. In dark times of modern’s world concentrated over-consumerism ideals, peoples rarely feels satisfied with the basics everyone actually needs, but rather continuously seeks more and more,…
Music is in any case defined as a product: being named, packaged, delivered, consumed.