Creation, contemplation, consumerism, possession
True happiness is not about having things, but about making things. Wanting to have a lot usually comes from feeling like you’re missing out on something. Being overly focused on having things can make you bitter. Creation surpasses possession because it, to a certain extent, encompasses everything – including possession – as a result. Absolute…
It doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter what uninformed average person thinks, and here’s a quick thought experiment – I’m going to come to him with my [most famous burgers franchise] burger (assuming he doesn’t familiar with [most famous world burgers franchise]) and he’s obviously more likely to humiliate me like it’s crap food. And don’t forget that we’re…
Over-consumerism, poverty
In well developed countries, poverty is not what one does not have, but what he lacks – his needs, his wishes, quite often- delusional passions. Value’s point of view. In dark times of modern’s world concentrated over-consumerism ideals, peoples rarely feels satisfied with the basics everyone actually needs, but rather continuously seeks more and more,…
Too much noisy information today
Today there is an overabundance of not important manipulative noisy information. In the past people were healthier about that – their tech was without unnecessary stupid steroids like today (closed source spying smartphones with preinstalled/undeletable junk) – mental and depressive diseases everywhere were much less common presented as we have got it today. Our brain…
Music is in any case defined as a product: being named, packaged, delivered, consumed.
Europe to focus on making their own semiconductors
Fresh tech news: slashdot.org/germany-spends-big-to-win-11-billion-tsmc-chip-plant Not surprised at all, the world is tired of China, the country is in danger. Neutralize China’s threat as soon as possible, better not to repeat that “Russian mistake” again – I mean weak reaction to authoritarianism. Also, I’m tired of all that endless ‘Made In China’ junk we’ve got everywhere,…