Cultural code of gigantic nations
The cultural code of gigantic organizations tends to corrupt over time; a massive system gravitate to oppress people, loosing quality a lot. In a herd, you become lame. On a large scale, under weak minds, it’s unbalanced. Resistance can be costly for many. Crisis upon crisis; people to find truth among them.
Aesthetic fields, concept
Whether subject wants to or not, it always functions and translates a code of aesthetic and ethic fields. Usually already charged with the energy of other fields. The energy finds, regenerates and transmit itself in the code. Fields have boundaries of intersections and audience-subjects of the field – for example, the stylistics of y2k, hairy…
Subjects and essense of cultural code
At the root, at the core, each person is unique. On top, however, it is superficially covered with a cultural code… like a set of clothes, a garment, it reflects many of the movements and character of the individual, the garment is most often what is given, but sometimes it is what the individual chooses.…
Cultural Code Determines Ways of Life
Just as DNA directs the essence of an object’s physical development, the cultural code with which an individual is programmed determines their destiny or the destiny of a whole group. A barbaric cultural code leads to decay and suffering. The brain can reprogram itself with other, better codes; a clean ‘freedom’ environment helps reprogram bad…