
Freeform thoughts. Stoicism, minimalism

Independent researching, general philosophy

Ethics, aesthetics, quality, tech, life, cosmos

It is longest continuous war I see between stupid and smart, old primitive and new advanced, those who accept errors and moving forward and those who prefer disinformation and passive dev, backward. Prometheus and Epimetheus in some sense.

There are tons of stupid but they are weak and there is little of smart but they are strong. That is the balance, the engine nature probably wants us to drive thru at some points of our story in space-time . 

Human brain aint perfect, slave or fascist is being so by his own nature too not only by external oppression. Learn authority and obeying.

Examples are obvious: putinists, hamas, trumpists, nazi, communists, south confederacy, china/iran, pseudo traditionals… against progress, ukraine, israil, europe, democracy. Totalitarianism and authoritarianism against freedom and diversity. Blind end road cults of hard dick power, narcissism and oppression against soft, smart, flexible, sophisticated and high valuing intelligence.  

As a honest human in search of progress and quality you just can’t ignore such.

It is a serious thing, no jokes, it is a war, and I myself definitely on the side of the smart and I am absolutely not afraid of stupid; ready to meet them any day any time, to loose everything, I’m ready to die and to suffer I’m not afraid of those at all. 

Fight fight fight, it is a war. But I’m not going to go kill or shout as a savage at others, or spread blood… I better develop a plan, make maximum damage with cold deep intellect not stupid cheap reaction emotions like them. Possibly even see blood but only as direct jurisdiction self-protection. With truth and plan you aibt afraid to fight in courts too. And I don’t cry, no noise. They want attention but I just ignore them.

Lets be clear, no jokes with them. You saw cheap brain mafia putin with his slaves. Or mega absurd weak intellect hamas terrorists supported by lgbt. Be ready for the worst. Fight as a noble, no dirt, serious strategies only. I either live free good quality life or die. Damn those morons I’m not going under them, it is a fight. 

And I am absolutely fearless, I know smart will win, maybe just a little bit later.

One response

  1. Anonymous

    Yep who ever said life is a nicely served holiday plate… all facts speak for themselves: life is a movement, competition; be ready. The only thing is that it is not always a bloody ancient primitive war like some idiots start their end with; it might be complex tricky intellectual too. Yep still dialectically we got dark and bright… they move together

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