
Freeform thoughts. Stoicism, minimalism

Independent researching, general philosophy

Ethics, aesthetics, quality, tech, life, cosmos

  • Ought to close comments here for a reason

    I have temporarily closed comments here as I’m getting too many bots and threats, especially from paid putinists.

    Comments and discussions are still available in the hidden part of this website – HYPERFOCUS EXTRA

    Comments / Sharing: Ought to close comments here for a reason
  • “Safety”

    Today, “security” is a common popular form of deception.

    Be accurate updating your software, especially if it’s not open sourced – they can make it worse – they just want to sell more; greed rules today, not quality.
    Update only in a very rare case and only when the code is open source and when you can see the list of changes. If it is open source and you clearly see that it fixes obvious vulnerability, close it, updated, of course. But how to believe closed source corporations who continuously been lying about security just to ship you other pack of “pro” shit to sell or to worsen your device to sell you new? You can’t see.

    It would be better if they taught general computer education courses instead – open code, encryption, principles of simplicity in systems; in fact they don’t care about your security, honestly, only money… they have enough pennies to live on, the main thing is the pursuit of a number, a badge, sometimes a luxury – the wealth of stupidity.

    In general, you could perfectly well use a computer from 2008 or even older, for all typical tasks except realistic 3d seems to be quite enough. They tell “we have made new mega fast computer… same time doing idiotic over-complexity in software and artificial obsolescence to gain sales.

    Same in governments, medicine, market. If it’s a corporation focused on generating money, high percentages in chances they don’t care about your safety, they want control and profit. Remeber dictator’s wars usually start the guise of “safety of people” like Donbas or Poland, starting actually killing them later.

    Or that virus hysteria a couple of years ago. I don’t deny that viruses happen, sometimes dangerous ones… I’m fine with vaccines and stuff; I speak about that info-noise, the shizo mass-psycho crying about safety… Until the absurd fragile edges. It sounds alarming and false by itself, reasonable statements can’t be formulated like that, such noise about they security concerns was obviously pumped up for profits – journalists, pharmacists, politics… Foucault warned against this – the doctor, the next jailer. Got some problems, let us discuss them calmly, do not threaten freedom.

    Don’t trust that. Security idea is messed up. Be accurate… that’s how they sell it, for a reason!

    Freedom first, open type of organization, then security.

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  • Assholes coming to power

    The big problem of the modern world is random and ignorant people getting huge money/authority. Oversaturation of power often makes them even worse. Not good educated, not morally correct, not best talented, but medium ones… Masses of banal people just follow their craziness silently later because most folks are just too lazy to inspect that mess.

    Factors of complexity, noise, bad organization…

    However, for example in sports, or science, or real art (not pop), a random person will not be able to became successful without real talents.

    But in politics and pop culture… we have got so much pure evil idiots out there. We ought to do something about that.

    Modern words has great science, but stuck in horrible politics and mass culture crisis. We need to get rid of those random assholes who takes to the top only by their impudence or luck.

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  • “mjttnetworkmusic200: best tracks compilation”, it takes time. I’d released 7 new albums already.

    Six new albums are completely done and coming to release line, plus 7th – downtempo jazzy beats I’m working on currently.

    Swhq – Wyzler (TBR 2023-2024)
    Iksnx – Untitled (TBR 2023-2024)

    New albums with good tracks of Swhq, Iksnx, DAS, organwritings, yoijerg, 17DoTe, undefined are done and just to upload them, prepare the artwork;

    …but the “200” anniversary compilation must be released at first. Because it’s mjttnetworkmusic199 – 200, and I’m going to open store with tapes and merches on logicandsound.com soon.

    Usually I release an album per month or so, but this time I want to get mjttnetworkmusic200 (currently I released 199 albums there) as an anniversary compilation in 4 parts (downtempo, dance, ambient, glitch) of best tracks so far there.

    Compilation will be released as audio cassettes’ boxes. I hope to finish the store and compilation around October/November 2023.

    Comments / Sharing: “mjttnetworkmusic200: best tracks compilation”, it takes time. I’d released 7 new albums already.
  • “AI”

    Stupid word “AI” is everywhere today, it’s lame dumb, like all “trendy” stuff. Just a bad taste… Everyone will get sick of that buzz soon enough.

    We will get a good technology after some years, no doubts. I’m nice about that, just tired of the nonsense masses’ fears and marketing hysteria.

    Comments / Sharing: “AI”
  • Just music… not jazz, not lounge, but something old and nice

    An interesting piece of vintage I stumbled upon recently. Not quite easy mark it with any well known genres. I’d call it something like vintage lounge, but rhythmic parts ain’t so visible there to be considered so. 1946 / USA

    Comments / Sharing: Just music… not jazz, not lounge, but something old and nice
  • Mist

    What’s ahead? The unknown. Don’t try to predict, you can’t. Just do what you have to do, be truthful, honest, and let it be. In the end, you’ll die anyway, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, take it easy.

    Comments / Sharing: Mist
  • Lo-Fi, representation, post-perception

    Contemporary culture is over-saturated with crystallized images: they talk and sell the idea of realism as a supposedly surefire sales stimulant.

    Lo-fi, on the other side, lets the imagination play out better. More interesting it is, to a certain extent. In general, art, imagination, fuel of passion, even sex drive, is delicious and interesting to the consciousness when it has something behind, that when it gets there, it is played out there, mutates, hooks local neural networks, not just copy-pasting like some contemporary ultra-realism, consumerism based stuff.

    Mystery, unobtrusiveness, subtlety, this is what we love. Lo-fi and abstract is closer to the real art and play than realism, in this context.

    Comments / Sharing: Lo-Fi, representation, post-perception
  • Over-consumerism, poverty

    In well developed countries, poverty is not what one does not have, but what he lacks – his needs, his wishes, quite often- delusional passions.

    Value’s point of view.

    In dark times of modern’s world concentrated over-consumerism ideals, peoples rarely feels satisfied with the basics everyone actually needs, but rather continuously seeks more and more, that’s what I call post modern’s poverty – intellectual poverty.

    Comments / Sharing: Over-consumerism, poverty
  • Denial

    An official, a policeman, a medical, a deputy, a president… A temporary function we delegated to serve us, the society. I know you can be a good fellow, but never try to enslave me, to obey, I’m always ready to kill and die for the freedom. You work for me, I work for you, only real cooperation matters.

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  • Intellect, ethics, talented but wrong directed people

    Various parts of the human brain are not necessarily interconnected.

    But it’s true that we can only call a truly good man a morally and correctly intelligent man, that is, a noble man. That’s primary. A well-trained brain in terms of aesthetics, technology, is nothing without proper ethics, moral course and nobility, it is like a powerful car with a bad driver. What I mean by correct moral course… let’s take the basics, the simplest and most understandable – do not harm others, do not lie, do not be greedy, be ready to die and go away any day.

    Nobility as “a noble character” or “displays nobility of spirit” not as someone’s family lineage or aristocratic background.

    There are deep minds with excellent skills or unique talents – but moral freaks and therefore doomed, I do not respect such people, even if they have created a lot of delicious. For me, the main thing is that a person should be honest, pointed for the truth… it’s good if he’s talented or gifted, but in general it’s no problem if he’s just an average.

    “Clever, noble, but not talented; talented, noble, but not clever; or, lastly, talented, clever, but not noble” – a quote from somewhere.

    Comments / Sharing: Intellect, ethics, talented but wrong directed people
  • Just for fun. Life = Game

    Never busting my ass for any work include this blog or my music or anything else in that matter. I just do it because I like it because I have time because it’s interesting for me. I don’t care what other people can think about that. It’s like a video game or something, just doing what I like. If it will became any really impossibly hard some day, I’ll just turn off the console, I’m free to do that too, the quality is everything.

    Random photo I took on a film camera, circa autumn 2019
    Comments / Sharing: Just for fun. Life = Game
  • Never marry ideas

    Never “marry” ideas, even if you’ve invested a lot in them, we humans are very complex creatures and it’s normal to make mistakes sometimes.

    It’s better and easier to be open and say “I was wrong, OK, let’s move on, at least I learned something new” than to constantly destroy the path by those wrongly coordinated movements even if “you put so much efforts there” so that they became an artificial value to you.

    Also, don’t care what others think about your way – first of all, they care about their own personalities most of the time, secondly, why the heck should you mind what those heads think at all when you have your own detailed view to decide on; so, just be careful buying the double represented views of others, yeh? It’s a precarious thing to correlate your values and ideas with others, in most cases it leads to dispersion.

    Freedom is the fuel of good value creation, so – be there. Remember to guard against the delusional, enslaving thinking of the masses, it’s so often corrupted. Listening only to selected people can help – those who have proven by real results that they have good brains and honest morals (for example, those who’ve never been caught telling nontruth deliberately), but even they can be wrong…

    So, the critical thinking, open mindedness, openness to death, and not being afraid of someone saying you are wrong are the keys here.

    Comments / Sharing: Never marry ideas
  • Boring diary

    Today I opened a new jar of berries and a new bottle of olive oil. Everyday I eat oatmeal with fruits and pasta with vegetables. I call these routine meals “jazz”, because I listen jazz everyday too.

    Comments / Sharing: Boring diary
  • Too much noisy information today

    Today there is an overabundance of not important manipulative noisy information. In the past people were healthier about that – their tech was without unnecessary stupid steroids like today (closed source spying smartphones with preinstalled/undeletable junk) – mental and depressive diseases everywhere were much less common presented as we have got it today.

    Our brain is not a piece of rubber, and moreover, its not a trash bin to put every fucking politician or celebrity’s “intentions or ideas” there. There is too much useless and unhealthy information consumption habits today – from social networks, mass media, newspapers.

    Remember, these greedy journalists, these so called damn influences, they are just to manipulate and to sell your attention, nobody minds the quality or health there, in the pursuit of profit, savor every random pop around, or corruption; poor head full of shit of the people who consumes that…

    Personally, I’m on a diet and only open a couple of reliable websites once in a day or so. Email newsletters a day in a week is a good solution too. Also, proven quality people seems to be much better sources than a company, or, no-no-no, big corporations.


    Comments / Sharing: Too much noisy information today


  • Finally finishing hyperfocus

    Started writing philosophy in 2019 I came thru various ways on media, but originally it always was a grey colored, aphorisms alike flow. S.A.B, Cognitive Confluencem etc, now I feel I found solid suitable format for my thoughts.


Latest comments

  1. Interesting view. I experienced wealth and simple questions always arise after you got everything… what else, what is next? Luxury…

  2. Whenever I see something got center of attention around just money instead of the whole perspective, I doubt its prosperity.…

  3. Yep who ever said life is a nicely served holiday plate… all facts speak for themselves: life is a movement,…

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