Natural tape magnetic distortion and that noise… nice. It was surprisingly well preserved for a thing from 1970s, almost like a new. It got a speaker and a microphone inside, good design overall; gonna give it a try for my own sampling/recording soon. Not as a main tool for tapes’ handling but rather as a distortion/re-distributive unit.
The concept of “power”, “authority” – very often it is misinterpreted and being abused by retarded over others – passive ones.
It is wrong, you who abuse political influence, you just don’t understand the system of people, it is a complex relationship structure, it is not a herd of sheep to lead, it is always just the people delegated to you some functions in contract agreement for the convenience of today, do not exaggerate the importance of this, especially if you are a policeman or a government clerk.
The world is made up of events and chances, not things. You don’t really own anything. It’s just some events (often random). Groups of atoms came together this way, not that way. It’s all a flux. Everything will change.
Accidentally I found this track I totally forgot about, but I was surprised the bassline there is quite good and interesting, complex, not sure about mastering tho.
I think, that was not bad album in general, today I checked it on a sone speaker, sounds well, expect a couple of banal (in my opinion) tracks. I remember that album around end of summer in 2017, after relocating to a new city, very far away from the previous one.
Open Source in capitalism? Free information is a big virtue and a mega important factor for our progress, obviously. But how to make a living out of it?..
Today’s money system is bad; those greedy, mad, overgrown corporations…
Money is a temporary, archaic concept for energy distribution.
Open is better, information’s nature is to be free. Just imagine the whole internet would be a product from Google or Facebook… nightmare.
Universal Basic Income is the answer. Donations and folks’ support can be the factors to continue.
After many changes, I can finally say that it’s done, the new 2023 Big album for sleeping called “Harvest-23”. Initially it had a human on the cover, but then I found a better version of the design and corrected it.
Also, yesterday I released a new album as swhq – Simple/Blitz. I did careful mastering and it blasts quite well/balanced out of speakers, it’s always much harder to balance tracks for speakers than for headphones. Sadly, I miss that level of knowledge on some of my past work, for example some albums in 2018 as a.a.z.s..j. TBH, I would rename previous swhq album “What is that?…” as part of the BLITZ series, those all tracks I do very quickly (expect mastering), sometimes during the day I feel energy and realize it as those tracks.
After 199 albums it becomes harder to maintain originality and style of each new one but I keep focus on the quality at first, and yes I was able to found a new tone for that fresh swhq despite I already used some middle oranges before.